You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2500:

Originally, the little girl gave up on her own, and prepared to take the college entrance examination. After the college entrance examination, she went to a pheasant university casually, just like that.

However, because of Qin Zheng, his hard work, his seriousness, and his hard work made her feel that she can't go on like this, otherwise, she would not be worthy to pick up her idol in the future.

Therefore, this little girl changed her past life in a muddle-headed manner, and started to study as hard as Qin Zheng.

This made his parents weep with joy, and the daughter could turn around as a prodigal son, no matter how late, it is not too late for the parents.

The little girl heard from her parents that Xu Mu came back with her newlyweds and was about to entertain relatives and friends. She thought at that time, Xu Mu's wife, isn't that Qin Zheng's mother?

Although I can't see idols, how about seeing my mother idols?

So, begging his parents to follow.

She has performed very well recently, studying super hard, naturally his parents can't bear to refuse her request.

After coming, the little girl has not had the courage to talk to Zhou Ping. Just now, she mustered up the courage to ask the question she wanted to ask.

Zhou Ping bent down slightly, raised her hand and gently rubbed the top of the little girl's soft hair, and said, "Well, you are all great children. Don't give up easily until the last moment. Besides, you are still young. Well, even if it doesn’t work this year, and next year, Xiaozheng will be like this, so will you. He is at home now, and he spends every day very seriously. He said, no matter whether you succeed or not, don’t disappoint yourself.

Zhou Ping was very happy that Qin Zheng had chosen this path. Sometimes, idols can bring people a lot of courage and strength.

Just like now, if you can bring unlimited positive energy to your fans, then you are a good idol.

The little girl nodded vigorously: "Well, I understand, thank you auntie...that...that, can you...can you go back and say something to Qin Zheng, I...I will always support him...I, I hope that one day I can attend his fan meeting, oh oh, and... he actually sings not badly. Wouldn't you consider adding more singles in the future?"

The little girl stammered all she wanted to say.

Zhou Ping laughed aloud: "Okay, I will bring all these things you said to Xiaozheng, but...there are a few more singles, I guess you have to think about it carefully. I know how long he and Chen Mo’s previous singles were practiced before they could barely listen to...Look, their company has no face to collect money."

The little girl smiled: "But...I still think it sounds pretty good..."

The little girl's parents came over and thanked Zhou Ping.

They were very opposed to their daughter's star chasing before, but later discovered that star chasing can make her daughter study hard and positive, so they didn't oppose it. Before, they helped Qin Zheng to play the rankings.

After speaking a few words with Zhou Ping, they left with their daughter.

When leaving, Zhou Ping waved to the little girl: "Come on, wait for your good news!"

The little girl turned around and showed a bright smile...


After everyone had left, Xu Mu and Zhou Ping breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

Zhou Ping whispered to Xu Mu: "When you have a wedding, don't invite so many people. I can't hold it."

Xu Mu nodded: "Don't worry, I will arrange it."


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