You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2510:

Little nodded and shook his head: "I...I followed their car for a while, but...I was really a waste. After a while, I couldn't catch up..."

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter where you chase it, you get in the car with me and show me the way..."

"it is good……"

Xiao Budian pointed Zhou Ping about three or four kilometers away.

He frustrated: "I'm here, no matter how far away... I can't catch up."

Zhou Ping said softly: "It's okay, here, it's already fine..."

If it weren't for it, they wouldn't know at all.

Xu Mu pointed to the surveillance probe at the intersection ahead and said, "There is surveillance ahead."

Zhou Ping nodded: "Here, it's okay. This area is monitored. Find Jingyuan and ask him to check it for us... There are not many vehicles passing by in the early morning. It is not that difficult to check."

"By the way, do you remember the license plate number of that car?"

Xiao Budian shook his head: "I... I was too scared at the time and didn't pay attention to it. All I know is that it is a black car..."

Zhou Ping comforted him: "It doesn't matter, you have provided a lot of clues."

"Master, can you rescue Big Brother, right?"

Zhou Ping nodded: "Yes... he will be back."

She will let the little devil head come back safely.

She still wants to find his body and return him a free body, so that he can go wherever he wants, and no longer need to be trapped in this corner.

Zhou Ping considered that it would be dangerous next time, so she didn't bring Xiao Budian back to the hotel and let it go back to the cemetery to wait.

On the way back to the hotel, Zhou Ping remained silent all the time.

She was very worried about the little devil's head. That **** guru's methods had always been vicious. The little devil's head fell into his hands. Now she doesn't know what happened. She was afraid that she would be too late to save it.

Xu Mu comforted her: "Don't be too anxious, the little guy himself is quite powerful, and it shouldn't be that easy to start with him."

Zhou Ping sighed: "I should have come earlier..."

"I can't blame you... who would have thought that the dog would suddenly come over and attack the little devil."

Zhou Ping has already called Gu Jingyuan to adjust the road monitoring of that section, and then find the car in the whole city to see where he went in the end. This will take some time.

After returning to the hotel booked in advance and checking in, Xu Mu put hot water for Zhou Ping and asked her to take a hot bath.

When the two of them were resting, it was almost 5 in the morning.

They are all very tired, but after lying down, they still feel heavy and it is difficult to fall asleep.

Xu Mu said this to Zhou Ping softly, trying to make her not worry too much, but he also knew that it would be useless to say more. The little guy was arrested, and now it should be very dangerous.

However, at this moment, we can only wait!

At half past five, Zhou Ping fell asleep in a daze.

The rain outside was heavier, and the sky became more gloomy, Xu Mu vaguely heard the dull thunder in the distance.

Not long after, a thunder and lightning suddenly sounded out of the window with a click, as if to split the building apart.

Zhou Ping suddenly woke up: "What's the matter?"

Xu Mu hugged her, patted his back lightly, and said: "It's okay, it's thundering outside... Go to sleep... You just slept for a while."

Zhou Ping closed her eyes and took a deep breath, leaning in Xu Mu's arms and said, "I'm very afraid..."


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