You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2523:

Zhou Ping; "Yes... I will prepare the Gu worm."

She handed it to Gu Zhige.

Wang Kui shook his head, no, no, don't prepare, he doesn't want to die in the end, only a pool of rotten meat is left.

Gu Zhige took the doll, pinched a thick needle, looked at Wang Kui, then looked at the doll, and revealed a wretched and sinister smile: "Suddenly I wanted to stab one, you didn’t stab Aunt Ping before. Where I have been..."

Wang Kui felt bad at the time.

Gu Zhige's hand rose and the needle fell, and he stabbed it down.

At that moment, Wang Kui's intuitive life came to an end, and he might just die like this...

Despair, humiliation, pain, Wang Kui’s greatest humiliation in his life, he felt, it was this time.

When Zhou Ping, Bai Lu, and Xu Mu saw Gu Zhige's sting, they felt a yin air rushing from the bottom of their feet and swallowed one after another.

Damn...Sure enough, this is a place that Zhou Ping had never pierced before.

Especially Xu Mu, he felt it hurt when he looked at it!

The egg is broken!

Gu Zhige, this kid, is really bad, he can even think of the root of stinging life, he is amazing!

Gu Zhige raised his head and glanced at Wang Kui, whose face was earthy and painful, because of the pain, the blue veins on his forehead were about to pop out of Wang Kui.

Gu Zhige: "Hey, if you can't hold it, how can you hold that bug..."

He picked up two more needles: "How about two more needles?"

Wang Kui shook his head, shook his head quickly, no no no, no more, no more...


He said, he said everything, let him say what, what he said, he didn't hide anything.

Gu Zhige smiled and stretched out his hand to tear off the rag stuffed in Wang Kui's mouth.

"How's it going?"

Wang Kui said weakly: "Say...say...I said..."

He was already in pain, his whole body was in cold sweat, and his hair was drenched in strands of sweat, sticking to his forehead...

He used to hear people say that if it hurts, it hurts so badly that it becomes numb. Now he feels that it is all a lie, numbness, not at all, it will only feel more and more painful, as if there is no upper limit. same……

There was no blood on Wang Kui's face, it was pale and pale, like a ghost.

Zhou Ping hehehe said, "You said it earlier, it will save trouble, you have to resist, but you can't carry it? A waste of time,"

Wang Kui: "..."

He swallowed his saliva and said: "Yesterday...Last night, my master captured...your friend back. He...he said, I think your friend is only a hundred years old, but his cultivation level is not low. It, so...I want to talk about him being refined into...his puppet, which will be...used to deal with you..."

When Zhou Ping heard this, she became nervous in an instant: "Puppet? What about now, how is he now? Has he been refined?"

Wang Kui shook his head: ", today, it seems that I have encountered some problems. My master has changed several methods to refine your friend, but none of them are very useful. Even... I want to completely destroy him. It's a bit difficult, your friend...very powerful, now..."


Today, Qixi, add two more and six more chapters!

Hey, as a single dog, I refuse this kind of holiday... But I still wish my fairies a happy holiday duck!

By the way, today is a good day. Let me know one thing. Your author will post a new article on the 25th of this month. (Uh, is it too serious for me to say this? Should I pick a day in a few days, and say it very solemnly a bit?)

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