You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2537:

She will not be rushed to her senses, she must solve the problem with the master, otherwise, they will continue to have trouble in the future.

After that, Zhou Ping was ready to do it. She wouldn't really kill her master, but she would let him never do anything to harm people from now on.

The guru squinted his eyes, his face didn't panic at all, as if he had become the unpredictable guru again.

He looked at Zhou Ping and slowly said: "Zhou Ping, I can count as your uncle, why, you plan to do this, to your elders? Kill me, and when you die, how are you going to follow? Your father and grandpa confess!"

Zhou Ping was shocked: "Uncle Master? You..."

Long-lasting memories flashed through Zhou Ping's mind like a movie played at double speed.

There seems to be someone who can be called her uncle... there really is one!

Xu Mu and the others were all shocked at this time, why... this vicious guy is still an acquaintance?

However, this guy looks young, how could he be Zhou Ping's uncle?

Zhou Ping squeezed his neck: "Say, who are you?"

The master whose neck was choked and his breathing was a little unsatisfactory, was not afraid at all: "Hehe..."

He said: "Zhou Qingyang, you should have heard this name before!"

Zhou Ping was shocked and almost let go of his neck subconsciously!

"Zhou Qingyang..." Zhou Ping gasped in shock, "You... didn't you die long ago?"

Zhou Ping suddenly remembered at this time, why would she feel that the appearance of this master is a bit familiar.

Before Zhou Ping was 5 years old, she seemed to have really met him.

Zhou Ping knew the name Zhou Qingyang. She had heard a few words from his father. Although there were not many words, she was still able to piece it together.

During the famine years, Grandpa Zhou Ping picked up a child, and this child was Zhou Qingyang.

He was in Zhou's parents' college, and together with Zhou Ping's father, he studied metaphysics with Zhou's grandfather.

Before the age of 5, Zhou Ping had met him several times, very rarely, he had rarely looked back at home at that time.

After the age of 5, Zhou Ping never saw it again.

She didn't know what happened to Zhou Qingyang, Grandpa Zhou, and her father, but she thought it was not a good thing anyway.

Otherwise, Zhou Qingyang will not, and will not go back after many years of absence.

When he was about eleven years old, Zhou Ping once again accidentally heard his father and grandfather say that Zhou Qingyang was dead.

She just listened casually, and didn't listen too much, and his father found out that she didn't continue talking to her grandfather afterwards.

However, when Zhou Qingyang's name reappears now, those ancient memories have been turned out one by one.

Zhou Ping looked at the master’s face carefully. This face is indeed familiar, but... Zhou Qingyang should be 60 years old no matter how young he is, but he doesn’t really feel old except for those eyes. His face looked like he was in his early 30s.

Even if Bai Lu had practiced some techniques that shouldn’t be practiced, it’s impossible to achieve immortality and maintain such a good appearance.

Zhou Ping squeezed her hand and said: "No...I don't believe it, you can't be Zhou Qingyang. Maybe he doesn't even have a bone left. Even if he is alive, he can't be like you... …"


Surprised, not surprised... Hahaha... What about Uncle Master!

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