You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2542:

Zhou Ping pinched a silver needle that was as thin as a hair.

Zhou Qingyang's eyes are splitting: "Zhou Ping, you can't do this...Don't think that I don't have any tricks. If you dare to attack me, I promise that none of you can get out of here...I..."

Before he could say his threatening words, Zhou Ping had already penetrated the first silver needle into the Shenmen acupoint on Zhou Qingyang's right wrist.

Zhou Qingyang's body was shocked: "You..."

Zhou Ping's men did not stop, and the second silver needle had already been pinched and hit the Yangchi point.

Zhou Qingyang already felt that his qi and blood was chaotic, and Shenmen Tongxintong, at this time his angina was severe, and only after two needles were sealed, he already felt that he could no longer stand it.

If he waited for 36 shots and sealed them all, he would completely become a useless person.

Zhou Qingyang's eyes were red, like weeping blood, and he trembled: "I am you... Uncle Master... You... When I was born, I... also hugged you, Ping'er, you are so cruel... when you were young ...The first rocking horse was...I made it for you..."

Zhou Ping, who held the third silver needle, trembled.

Her first small rocking horse, she remembers, was made of rosewood, made vividly, and polished as smooth as a mirror. That rocking horse accompanied Zhou Ping throughout his childhood.

Later, when he was fourteen years old, the rocking horse was still there. It was rosewood. If it were placed now, it would be considered expensive and extravagant.

She asked her father: Why used rosewood to hit him with a rocking horse, it was just a toy, there was no need to use such a good thing.

Zhou Ping remembered the situation very clearly. His father sighed and touched her head without saying anything.

From the look in his father's eyes at the time, Zhou Ping saw the longing and worry...

Zhou Ping clenched her hand: "What you said really moved me, that rocking horse, I remember, it was my favorite toy when I was a kid..."

Zhou Ping said indifferently: "The Thirty-six Needles of the Dragon Needle, I will not seal them all into your acupuncture points. I will leave you a thread of meager sentiment in the past... After this time, if you can survive and be cured, it is your good fortune. If you want revenge, I will accompany you, but... next time, if you meet again, I will never leave any affection. ."

Zhou Qingyang gritted his teeth and even continued.

Zhou Ping didn't stay anymore, and at the fastest speed, all the remaining fourteen needles were punched into Zhou Qingyang's acupuncture points one by one.

The last two needles were directly sealed into the Fengchi acupoint at the back of Zhou Qingyang's brain.

These two needles are more important. Originally, the order of 36 needles was normal.

However, now Zhou Ping has shown love to Zhou Qingyang and missed 20 shots. She considers that if the last two learnings are not sealed, Zhou Qingyang's time to recover may not be long.

Therefore, Zhou Ping decided to cause the greatest damage to Zhou Qing within the range of 16 stitches.

In any case, this person is still too dangerous.

This time, leaving him for his life, in the future, we will still find them in trouble.

Zhou Ping is not the kind of cruel and cruel person. What she has learned since childhood is not to kill everything. She has compassion in her heart.

Therefore, she went as she pleased without being cruel and not the Virgin.

As her grandfather said, but I have a clear conscience!

Don’t need to be grateful, and don’t be afraid of being hated by others!

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