You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2565:

Zhou Ping nodded: "Okay, then you can take a good rest and go back when you wake up. I don't worry about being kind. She... is still angry with me. After you go back, please comfort her..."

Gu Jingyuan: "Don't worry, I will comfort him, she is too worried about you."

"Thanks for you this time..."

Gu Jingyuan quickly said: "You are too polite, I am your son-in-law, what's the hardship?"

Zhou Ping smiled and patted Gu Jingyuan on the shoulder: "Go and rest."

Everyone said good night to each other and went back to their rooms.

Zhou Ping moved the jar to her room.

After lying down, Xu Mu yawned and hugged her: "Go to sleep..."


I thought I was already very sleepy and would soon fall asleep, but after Zhou Ping closed her eyes, she didn't even feel sleepy for 20 minutes.

Xu Mu was asleep next to him, and he snored slightly!

Zhou Ping turned over and turned her back to him.

She still had that kid in her mind.

If it's just an ordinary wandering soul, meeting someone with advanced Taoism like Zhou Qingyang can be turned into a scum at will, even if he is a thing of a hundred years of age, there is no resistance.

However, Zhou Qingyang had already taken such a cruel hand, and it was useless.

This shows one thing, that little ghost head is not an ordinary wandering soul.

But what is unusual?

Everyone is dead, is there any difference?

According to Zhou Ping's own knowledge, I have never seen this type.

Zhou Ping had gone through all the ghosts she had caught for so many years, and the stories she heard from his father and grandfather, and she hadn't figured out what was going on.

However, the only certainty is that there is something wrong with the kid.

But, where should I start with this vast crowd?

Zhou Ping's thoughts in her mind were very confused at this time, but she couldn't figure out a clue.

After thinking for a long time, Zhou Ping fell asleep unconsciously.

Before falling asleep, Zhou Ping was still thinking that if he wanted to know the answer, it was actually with the little guy himself, but unless he could slowly think about what happened in the past, he would not be able to save him.

How could you stimulate that little guy to remind him of the past?

Hey, difficult problem!


Everyone, when they came back, it was already very late, and they had eaten for a long time. When they fell asleep, it was almost morning.

So, it took a long time to sleep this time, and they didn't wake up until two o'clock in the afternoon.

After waking up, everyone found that Gu Jingyuan had already left.

He left a note on the coffee table, telling everyone that he was leaving first, hoping that everyone would be safe and successful. He was at home waiting for them to return.

Zhou Ping stretched out and knocked on the jar: "How is it?"

"There is a kind of you let me out."

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhou Ping let out the little guy with a slight light on his head.

Brother Gui immediately came out and shouted, "Oh, Zhou Ping, you are really brave... You actually shut me down in a small black room. Did you know that there was always Lao Tzu who shut down other people's small black rooms, and no one could shut me down? "

Zhou Ping sat down: "You said you, what are you doing so dry, what can you do to me?"


Zhou Ping pointed at him and asked, "Hey, the energy in you doesn't seem to have recovered much. What do you think of yourself?"

The little devil paused: "I... feel okay? I'm fine, don't worry."

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