You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2577:

Gu Zhige hurriedly said: "It should be that I didn't do it, so you can take this sign. Then the old temple is...excellent."

After the few words of the old miaozhu just now, Gu Zhige felt that he was really good at this time. Therefore, this blank lottery was definitely not a mistake, maybe it was a white lottery.

Bai Lu wondered: "But this is blank, how can he solve it?"

Gu Zhige: "Go, he will tell you naturally."


Bai Lu stepped out of the hall with the sign. After coming out, he felt that the temperature seemed to rise by two degrees: "Master, you can see, I have drawn a blank sign."

Lao Miaozhu took the white sign, looked for a while, and looked up at Bai Lu.

After watching Bailu for a full minute, Bailu couldn't help but back off.

"Master, you... why are you looking at me like this?"

Gu Zhige stood in front of the hall and said to her: "You pay the money first..."

Bai Lu put on incense, asked for the signing, and then came to cancel the signing. This set was done. She took out the wallet from her bag and took out 500 yuan and put it on the table of Lao Miaozhu.

She said, "Master, this is 500. The rest is just a little sesame oil money donated by me, please don't be too small."

Lao Miaozhu stretched out his hand like a dead branch, picked up the five hundred yuan, and stuffed it into his arms: "Blank, I just don't know. The last time this white sign appeared was 10 years ago..."

Bai Lu: "Huh?"

The old temple said, "No one knows except yourself, what will happen to you in the future..."

Bai Lu is even more strange: "Ah? Why? I...this..."

Lao Miaozhu glanced at her: "For those who have changed their lives twice, God knows what will happen to you."

Bailu: "..."

She gradually turned pale...

Twice...change fate.

The first time she obtained the secret cultivation method and forced a reversal to make herself young and beautiful. The second time, she met Zhou Ping. She stopped living the previous days and became like a normal person. .

Bai Lu wanted to talk, but suddenly she didn't know what she should say. Was it nonsense to say he was talking? However, she herself knew that it was true...


The old temple said, "If you don't come to ask for this visa, how should you live?"

Bai Lu froze for a moment, and then understood: "I understand, thank you."

If you don’t know what the future will be like, then continue to live it. If you live it, you’ll know what will happen. As for this marriage, forget it, don’t force it, if you have it, you don’t have it.

Inside the store, Zhou Ping, Xu Mu and the others glanced at each other, and they all saw awe in each other's eyes.

Especially Zhou Ping, others may just feel surprised, but they can't feel what level of superior this old Miaozhu is.

But Zhou Ping knows. She thinks that this old man is just a lot of effort to resolve the signing. Really, he is better than her. It is estimated that he will be slightly better than her dad.

Gu Zhige said, "I'll go and add two more sticks of incense."

After speaking, he hurried to the futon and knelt down.

Xu Mu asked Zhou Ping: "Why don't you ask for one too?"

Zhou Ping smiled: "What do you want me to ask for? This is Yuelao Temple. All people come to ask for are karma. I already have karma. Do you want me to ask again?"

When Xu Mu heard this, he immediately said: "Forget it, don't ask for it, you just have to have me, I thought, I can ask for peace or something here."

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