You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2584:

Zhou Ping and the others were driven away. On the way back, she frowned and thought, "Eh, did I forget to ask something?"

Gu Zhige and the others looked at each other: "It there?"

Zhou Ping patted his forehead: "I was forgotten by his quarrel. I said yes, come and ask him where his real body is."

"It's okay, come back tomorrow."

However, after returning, Gu Jingyuan called as soon as he entered the hotel.

When he opened his mouth, Gu Jingyuan said first: "Sorry mom, I have disturbed you to rest."

Zhou Ping said, "No, I haven't slept yet, what's wrong, is there something wrong?"

Zhou Ping understands Gu Jingyuan, if it weren't for something urgent, he wouldn't call at this time.

Gu Jingyuan was silent for a moment and said, "Mom, there is something urgent on the company side. I have to go on a business trip abroad tomorrow. The problem on your side is almost resolved. If it's all right, can you come back as soon as possible?"

Zhou Ping's first reaction was: "Something happened at home?"

Gu Jingyuan told the truth: "It's not there yet, but after I leave, it won't necessarily be the case. This time things are more urgent."

If it weren't for Gu Jingyuan, who really didn't worry about his family, he was afraid that someone would attack the Gu family after he left, and he would not urge Zhou Ping and the others to come back.

Zhou Ping said: "Okay...I see, I will go back as soon as possible, and I will go back tomorrow night."

This time Bai Lu and Gu Zhige came and almost had an accident. Zhou Ping thought in her heart that family members are the most important at any time, and nothing can make them dangerous.

Even Gu Jingyuan was not at ease at home, which shows that the problem this time is indeed extraordinary.

Zhou Ping is not at ease anyhow, she has to go back quickly.

Gu Jingyuan said, "Mom made you work hard."

Zhou Ping; "It's okay, you can go on a business trip without worry. When we go back, there will be no accidents at home."


After hanging up the phone, Zhou Ping hurriedly asked Gu Zhige to buy a ticket to go home tomorrow night.

When everyone heard it, they quickly asked: "What's wrong, something happened at home?"

Zhou Ping shook her head: "Jingyuan Company is in an emergency. He is going on a business trip tomorrow. He is worried about his family. He is worried that after he leaves, someone will attack Gu's family. We have to go back quickly."

Bai Lu asked: "That way?"

Zhou Ping said, "I try to solve all the problems here during the day."

Bai Lu: "What if it can't be solved?"

Zhou Ping was silent for two seconds: "Then we can only wait for later."

Everyone's mood is a little bit bad at the moment. Gu Zhige hurriedly bought a ticket for more than 11 o'clock tomorrow night. Now that the new year is approaching, the number of tickets is a bit nervous, and the time is a little earlier, it is no longer available.

Zhou Ping said: "Well, everyone hasn't taken a good rest these days, hurry to sleep today, and go to the cemetery tomorrow."

After returning to the room, Bailu took a bath and brought the red string back to her hand.

She looked over and over again, and for a while, there was the old face of the old temple in her mind, and for a while the boy's face in the hall.

Bai Lu sighed: "This Yue Lao Temple feels something is still wrong..."

But, for a while, she really couldn't think of what the problem was, where did the boy's sudden familiarity have seen it?

If she goes back tomorrow, she probably won't have the chance to go to Yuelao Temple again.

However, to prevent Zhou Ping and the others from seeing the miraculous statue of the boy in the Yuelao Temple, she felt regretful, and she felt...not at ease.


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