You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2589:

The middle-aged woman talked a lot, then stood up and went out to add sesame oil.

Gu Zhige said: "It seems that this Yue Lao Temple is really very effective. How many have we heard?"

Zhou Ping said, "Stop talking, the people behind are still waiting, you hurry up..."

"That's right." Gu Zhige hurried to his knees. Although Lao Miaozhu said that his marriage will be after 30, but it is not wrong to ask for two more times. Maybe Yue Lao sees him sincerely, so he will give He is a year in advance.

Bai Lu also knelt beside her.

She knocked three heads first, then folded her hands together, lowered her head and closed her eyes, silently making a wish in her heart.

After a while, I opened my eyes and put on three sticks of incense.

Lifting his head, Bai Lu looked at the boy, regretting that he did not see the vivid side like last time.

Bai Lu was in a bad mood. She came here specially to take another look at the boy. Why didn't she show up after the last time. ,

The people behind are urging, "Are you all right? Is it too slow?"

"That's right, don't be so selfish, don't you see everyone waiting?"

The sound was loud, but the people in the line didn't say anything.

Bai Lu and Gu Zhige didn't pay attention to them, and they only kowtowed their heads respectfully.

After getting up, Bai Lu turned her head and looked at them with unkind eyes: " you, arguing in front of Yuelao like you, disrespecting Yuelao, and delusional, begging his elderly to help you fulfill your wish? Go dreaming. !"

Those two people: "You..."

The two wanted to make a fuss, and the people behind quickly said: "This elder sister didn't say anything. You must respect the gods in front of the gods, otherwise, it's no use asking for anything..."

The two were angry, but they didn't bother.

Bai Lu snorted.

After she and Gu Zhige got up, the two urging them quickly knelt down.

Bai Lu looked up at the boy again: "Hey, don't you look down on it today?"

She wanted to stay in the temple for a while, but there were so many people waiting in the back. After begging, it was time to leave. They didn’t want to stay here too long.

Zhou Ping said: "Don't be too persistent, this kind of thing also depends on fate..."


Bai Lu sighed and stepped out of the hall first.

Zhou Ping walked at the end, the moment Zhou Ping stepped out of the hall, Zhou Ping looked back with a ghostly enchantment.

It just so happened that the clouds outside spread out, and a ray of afternoon sun fell on the boy's face. His unremarkable, plain face seemed to be alive instantly.

Especially with those eyes, Zhou Ping felt that at that moment, he looked at her.

The dark eyes seem to be able to speak, as if they could speak a thousand words...

It's like an old friend I've known for a long time. I was very excited and happy when I saw her...and, sad.

Zhou Ping was stunned for a moment. Although she believed Bai Lu's words before, she didn't take it too seriously.

Now when she saw it with her own eyes, she felt shocked...

Zhou Ping was stunned until someone said, "Hey, you guys, can't you go?"

Zhou Ping regained consciousness, glanced at the person who was talking, and did not answer him.

When she raised her head again, the boy figure returned to its original appearance.


I have revised a small part of the previously blocked chapters. This is good news!

By the way, the new title "Cannon Fodder She Marries a Giant Big Brother", the beginning is trimmed out, very exciting? (????) Hey, I think you will like it, let everyone know after the release!

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