You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2598:

The chapped portrait of a boy peeled off slowly, falling piece by piece, and the moment it fell on the ground, it instantly turned into dust.

Zhou Ping squeezed her hand, and when the boy image was all peeled off, the inner tube was exposed.

A person.

One, it seems, a teenager who is at most fifteen years old.

He closed his eyes tightly, his face was very pale, and there was a layer of frost on his eyebrows, and his facial features were tender, clean, clear, and handsome that are unique to young people.

If he opened his eyes, he would be very beautiful.

He didn't look like a corpse, it seemed, just a corpse that passed out in a coma in the cold.

No, he is not a corpse.

Because this is Tao Yan.

It is the original body of Tao Yan.

It has been sealed in the portrait of the boy for a hundred years without seeing the sun.

Zhou Ping thought of the blessed formation here. There is no dust, no mice, insects, or ants. The temperature here is so much lower than outside...

These are all to preserve the body, right?

The low temperature keeps the body from decay, and without dust, rats and insects, the body cannot be damaged.

Everything here seems to exist to seal this young man.

Zhou Ping clenched her hand,

Tao Yan looked at his original body sarcastically, and said, "This is my original body, Tao Yan. A hundred years ago, the local noble family, Tao family...Seven Masters."

Tao Yan's soul floated above his body, and he was erratic and almost transparent.

Zhou Ping was very anxious, breaking the portrait of the boy, and freeing his original body. It seemed to be a great blow to Tao Yan's soul body, and his situation was even more investigated than before.

Zhou Ping encircled Tao Yan's icy original body and probed the pulse on his neck. She said: "There is still a faint breath. I will try to see if you can let your soul go back..."

Zhou Ping asked Xu Mu and the others to help, square Tao Yan's original body on the ground.

She took out all the things she had brought, arranged a circle around him, and painted symbols.

However, when Zhou Ping finished reciting the mantra, Tao Yan's soul remained immobile.

After trying several times to no avail, Zhou Ping was already panicking.

In the past, she did a lot of things like this, bringing the soul out of the body to the original body. She has never encountered such a situation.

Tao Yan has not much time left at this moment, and this is Zhou Ping's panic the most.

Lao Miaozhu came over and looked at the original body on the ground with his eyes empty, and said: "It's useless, it's useless, you are killing the young master..."

Tao Yan sneered: "I'm dead long ago. It was all Tao people who killed me."

"But Master..."

Tao Yan: "Don't have anything to do with me, for Dow's prosperity, what does they have to do with me..."

Zhou Ping squeezed her hands, her face pale, she tried to think for herself, what went wrong, but the more anxious, the more blank her mind.

Bai Lu comforted her: "Don't worry, calm down, the soul cannot be like the body, there must be a reason, what prevents him from going back?"

Zhou Ping suddenly got up, in the hall, looking carefully.

The soul cannot regret the body, either this hall has a seal, or someone has used some imprisoning spell on him to prevent him from returning...

However, if the hall had a seal, Tao Yan's soul might not be able to enter at all.

So... the problem still lies with Tao Yan's original body. Someone must have moved on him.

Thinking about the crux, Zhou Ping immediately ran to Tao Yan's body, and she said to Tao Yan: "Sorry, kid..."


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