You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2606:

Those of his people, for so-called fair and honest reasons, did the most despicable, cruel and shameless deeds.

They only have themselves in their hearts, sacrifice him to satisfy their resignation.

No one cares how he feels, no one sympathizes with him.

However, Zhou Ping is different.

She didn't have any ideas, she just wanted to save him, she didn't have any other plans, just wanted him to live.

Tao Yan smiled at Zhou Ping, "I believe you."

Zhou Ping nodded: "Okay..."

She took a deep breath, and slowly slid her fingers over the silver needles. These needles are not ordinary silver needles. They are a set of formations passed down by the Zhou family, specially customized.

It is thinner and smaller, and it is more difficult when the needle is used, and it consumes the heart and energy of the needle.

At this time, Zhou Ping had a little clue.

Those profound iron cones had been completely destroyed, Tao Yan's body.

Even if 8 roots were removed, it took too long for them to be embedded in Tao Yan's flesh and blood. After removal, only a black blood hole remained. It is estimated that these wounds would be difficult to heal.

Entering the anger into Tao Yan's body is actually useful, but it is being transported over there, and these blood holes are still leaking.

There is very little qi that can stay in the body.

Zhou Ping is like now, to mend a fishing net, first sew up all the holes, so that when the net is used for fishing, the fish can be picked up.

Zhou Ping first soaked the needle of the silver needle in Gu Jingyuan's blood for a few minutes, but the needle was not enough, and he had to use Gu Jingyuan's domineering and wealthy blood to deal with the residual power of the black iron cone.

Zhou Ping still followed the initial order of pulling the awl, starting from the top of the head first.

There was hair on his head, and it was a little difficult to get the needle. Bai Lu came to help and pulled Tao Yan's hair away.

Zhou Ping went down with a needle, and the tiny silver needle pierced around the cone hole. The silver needle submerged under the skin, and it was invisible on the surface.

The work Zhou Ping did was too fine, and he couldn't make any mistakes in the precision of the needle placement. Zhou Ping did not dare to relax until the last moment of falling.

After a blood hole was sealed, Zhou Ping's forehead was already full of sweat, and her back was also full of sweat.

Xu Mu held the handkerchief in his hand and wiped Zhou Ping's sweat at any time.

Zhou Ping breathed a sigh of relief after all the blood holes were sealed.

The anger shouldn't leak out now.

After Zhou Ping checked, she determined that there was no problem before proceeding to the next step.

She glanced at Gu Jingyuan's remaining blood, there was still a little bit.

Save a little, it should be barely enough.

In Tao Yan's heart, Zhou Ping used a very fine brush to draw a very cumbersome and very complicated formation rune.

After the last stroke was dropped, the rune flashed red, like a soldering iron, imprinted on the skin.

Gu Zhige rubbed his eyes. He didn't know if the bad light made him misread or something. Anyway, he felt, as if, at the moment the rune was completed, Tao Yan's complexion seemed to have undergone a very subtle change.

Like...has a little blood.

Gu Zhige wanted to reach out, but Zhou Ping hadn't finished it yet, so he didn't dare.

He was afraid that he would ruin Zhou Ping's affairs.

Everyone was very nervous, waiting to see Zhou Ping's last process completed.

Zhou Ping used the same method to draw a small formation rune on Tao Yan's forehead.

After falling, she took the last bit of Gu Jingyuan's blood between her fingers, pressed her fingertips against Tao Yan's eyebrows, and after chanting a spell, said: "Tao Yan, don't sleep, you should wake up!"


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