You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2616:

The flight attendants walked frequently, making Gu Zhige somewhat helpless.

Zhou Ping asked him: "What's wrong?"

Gu Zhige said seriously: "I think our family can make a debut together and form a family group."

Xu Mu raised his eyebrows: "I think it's okay. As far as our family's overall appearance is concerned, it is definitely the peak of debut..."

Zhou Ping asked him: "Are you funny?"

Xu Mu shook his head: "No, I'm serious."

Zhou Ping was a little disgusted: "Go away, do you want us to be like you and wear masks and hats when going out, like being a thief?"

Xu Mu...


Tao Yan listened to them with his face on the side, with a smile on his face.

Even if he doesn't participate, doesn't speak, just listens like this, he feels very happy.

Zhou Ping had been taking care of Tao Yan and wanted to ask him if he was sleepy, but when he thought of the years he had been sealed in the statue of a boy, he probably wouldn't want to sleep again, so she didn't ask.

She took out her iPad and asked Tao Yan: "Do you want to play games?"

Tao Yan nodded: "Okay..."

Zhou Ping said: "Some of the games on this are still played by Xiaozheng. Get familiar with it. After returning home, he will definitely play with you."

Tao Yan: "Okay..."

Zhou Ping remembered another thing: "Oh, right, I don't want to play games, I can watch TV shows. There are a lot of TV shows cached on it. You...should like it."

Tao Yan's eyes lit up when he heard it, "Really...I want to watch a TV series."

Zhou Ping...

She silently handed the earphones to Tao Yan: "Okay, look..."

She almost forgot, this kid is a fanatical fan.

Zhou Ping was worried that Tao Banquet could not adapt to the plane. After half an hour passed, he was very engaged, showing no signs of unsuitability.

Zhou Ping only breathed a sigh of relief. Tonight, she felt like a war, and her mood fluctuated too sharply. Now that she relaxes, Zhou Ping feels tired.

She asked the stewardess, asking for a blanket and hot water.

After drinking a few sips of hot water, Zhou Ping felt sleepy.

Turning his head to look at Tao Yan, he looked completely forgetful.

Zhou Ping smiled and closed her eyes comfortably.

The plane shuttled through the clouds, and the cabin was very quiet late at night.

Tao Yan watched about two episodes. When he looked up, he saw Zhou Ping and Xu Mu and they both closed their eyes and fell asleep.

They should be very tired, with fatigue on their faces.

Tao Yan knew that they had been running for him these days.

He raised his hand and gently touched the position of his heart, and smiled.


After more than two hours of flight, the plane landed at the airport of the Imperial Capital on time.

Zhou Ping and the others slept very heavily, and they were flight attendants who woke them up.

Bai Lu stretched her waist and said, "It's nice to have a short sleep."

The hatch opened, Gu Zhige stood up and packed his luggage, he said: "I have smelled the smell of winter in the north, cold and dry..."

Zhou Ping hurriedly said: "By the way, it's cold here, you have to put on the down jacket after a while."

Tao Yan was surprised: "Is it cold?"

Zhou Ping asked Gu Zhige to take out the down jacket he had loaded up: "You haven't been to the north. The Imperial Capital is pretty good. If you go north, it's really dripping into ice."

Tao Yan was a little curious: "I've heard of it before, but I haven't been there yet."

He was born in the South and grew up in the South.

The farthest city he has ever been to is the Shanghai stock market along the coast, like some distant northern cities, he has never been.

Zhou Ping unfolded the down jacket: "Come on, get dressed, put on your hat..."


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