You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2622:

Tao Yan is the best candidate.

Tao Yan's father agreed without hesitation to sacrifice this son in exchange for a beautiful future for his family. He didn't like Tao Yan, and he was not the only son.

For him, it is good to continue the good future of the tribe without having to see that annoying son again.

So Tao Yan was taken into Yuelao Temple without knowing anything.

The hammer struck the mysterious iron cone and made a clinking sound. At that time, Tao Yan said the last words to his father and uncle: If I still have a chance, I will bury your whole family!

In the following hundred years, the Dows and his team, borrowed from his own fortune, the family has been mastered for hundreds of years!

As long as the boy in the portrait of the boy does not die for a day, his luck will always be there, and the Tao family will always be prosperous.

Dow now has a huge clan in the local area.

However, because of the war at the time, part of Tao's surname stayed there. At that time, the wealthy and powerful houses went abroad, but they all knew the secret of the family, so even if they were going abroad, they did not disconnect from China.

They all know that their wealth is inseparable from that Yue Lao Temple.

Therefore, they are closely related to the situation of Yuelao Temple in China.

Later, the war ended, the country became stable, and the lives of residents began to undergo earth-shaking changes.

The city government considered planning the city, and tried to demolish it several times, or relocate the Yuelao Temple, but it was unsuccessful. Once there were signs, the Tao people came back from all directions to stop it.

This month old temple can be preserved to the present.

After Tao Yan said these things, he felt that the depression in his heart finally dissipated a lot.

It's better to put the hatred in your heart after you say it.

After Tao Yan finished speaking, Qin Zheng and Chen Mo cursed at the same time: "He's M, it's a beast..."

"I feel terrified when I hear it. What kind of **** people, who drink other people's blood, are addicted to drinking..."

Tao Yan thought, yes, they are just addicted to drinking.

Qin Zheng asked Tao Yan: "When you leave, the Yue Lao Temple will be in ruins, right?"

"Well, without me, the efficaciousness of Yuelao Temple would no longer exist, and they would not be able to get any benefits."

Chen Mo hammered the table angrily: "It's too cheap for them, so angry... Isn't there no way to watch them stepping on the corpse, chewing on the flesh and blood of others, and watching them rise to the top?"

Qin Zheng said: "Don't worry. For families like that, they act against the sky and offend the gods. I think there will be retribution soon. For them, they are too used to enjoying something for nothing. Once they are gone, Tao Banquet for their luck and blessings, they will soon be beaten back to their original form... Wait, they won’t be proud of them for long, they will go against the sky, even if they can be blinded for a while, it won’t be forever. Sooner or later, they As much as they get, it will be doubled back to them..."

Tao Yan smiled.

The Tao family’s supervisor should already know that Yuelao Temple was destroyed.

When he saw the dilapidated Yuelao Temple, he didn't know what his mood was.

Tao Yan thinks about it, and feels in a good mood.

Because of Zhou Ping and the others, the hostility in Tao Yan's heart is gone, but this does not mean that he does not hate the Tao family anymore.

He would not take the initiative to do anything to the Tao Family, but if he saw the Tao Family decay and perish, he would also be very happy.


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