You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2735:

Shen Taoming: "But I..."

Xu Mu: "You said that you are not stupid. You didn't buy anything this time. Next time you bring your things to your door, it will be easy to say that you were empty-handed when you came last time..."

"Ah... I see, Mr. Xu, you are so amazing. I understand. Thank you. Daen is unforgettable."

This time it was the same as the two invited to dinner. The other invited a meal. If you don’t, then you have the opportunity to say that I will invite you next time.

Xu Mu brought Shen Taoming to their car. After waiting for a while, Zhou Ping and Xu's mother came back, and they both went around.

When Zhou Ping saw, Shen Taoming: "Little Shen, what a coincidence, you also come here to stroll..."

Shen Taoming hurriedly said hello: "Sister-in-law, hello, we meet again..."

Xu Mu explained to Zhou Ping and Xu mother: "When I went to buy pen and ink just now, the old man was rubbed by a man and almost fell over. He was rescued by Xiao Shen. I just thought, invite someone to the house for a light meal... No, it's almost time for dinner in the morning."

Zhou Ping couldn’t tell. Xu Mu was creating conditions for Shen Taoming. He immediately said, “It turns out that there is still this thing. It is necessary. I must go to the house for a meal. I will call Bai Lu. Let her prepare a few dishes..."

Shen Taoming hurriedly waved his hand: "No, no, no, no, sister-in-law, I... I was taking the liberty to visit your house. I was bothering you. Don't... Don't let Sister Bailu prepare anything. I... Just go for a casual meal."

Zhou Ping put down the phone and smiled, "Then...well, at noon today, I really don't know what Bailu is going to do... Let's talk about it when I get home. She might be very happy to see you."

Shen Taoming's face flushed, Zhou Ping teased him, he could hear it.

However, Shen Taoming feels that he is quite lucky, because both Xu Mu and Zhou Ping seem to support him, and they are deliberately creating opportunities for him.

So, just like that, Shen Taoming followed Xu Mu and finally entered the door of Gu's house.

When entering the gate, Shen Taoming really felt his heart beating like a drum.

He felt that he almost didn't know which foot to step on, he was worried that he would synchronize his hands and feet.

Zhou Ping said to Shen Taoming: "Just treat it as coming to your own home, don't be polite."

Shen Taoming nodded quickly, but how could he really be his own home? He felt that his hands were not hands and his feet were not feet.

Zhen Baoer is holding her mobile phone and looking at Qin Se, a new winter bag from a luxury brand.

Hearing the movement, the two raised their heads and saw Shen Taoming following Zhou Ping and the others cautiously. The two of them froze for a moment, and then smiled meaningfully: "Ah, Boss Shen, you are here..."

Shen Taoming: "Hello, I... Excuse me..."

Qin Se: "No, no..."

Zhen Baoer hurriedly shouted: "Aunt Bai, Aunt Bai...who do you think is here?"

Shen Taoming suddenly felt that he was holding his breath.

"Why? Who's here?" Bai Lu came out of the kitchen with a rolling pin. She wore home style at home, without makeup, her hair tied up, and she wore an apron. This is the exquisiteness of going out, the opposite. .

Seeing Shen Taoming, Bai Lu was also stunned, "Little Shen?"

She was really surprised. Didn't Xu Mu and Zhou Ping rush to pick up the second elder of the Xu family, why did they pick up Shen Taoming?

Shen Taoming stood there like a primary school student and didn't dare to move: "Sister, I... sorry, I... interrupted..."

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