You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2744:

The few people asked: "Why?"

Bai Lu pointed to their foreheads: "Blood and light disaster!"

She could see that the Yintang was already dark.

Under normal circumstances, Bai Lu doesn't know how to look at her face. She only has a little bit of fur on the face of the face. In addition, she has been with Zhou Ping for a long time and has been affected by her ears, so she knows a little more.

But most of the time she can't see it, unless it is, for example, these people in front of her are obviously in a very serious situation.

The Yintang was so dark that it affected the entire Qi Luck, and the disaster of blood and light was at hand!

Several people froze for a moment, and then laughed loudly, leaning back and forth with laughter, the echo can be heard in the parking lot!

"Auntie...Aunty, are you talking about cross talk?"

"Auntie, did you set up a stall under the overpass before..."

"Oh my God, I'm going to be laughed to death, the disaster of blood and light... Hahaha, it's no good, no more... Master Shen, where did you find such a funny aunt..."

Shen Tao's eyes were frosty and stern, "Shut up and apologize!"

Bai Lu didn't care at all, she tugged, Shen Taoming's arm: "It's okay, let them go, don't be angry."

After all, it doesn't make much sense to care about so few people who might be dead.

Shen Taoming didn't want to finish the calculation like this: "But..."

Bai Lu urged him: "Let's go, go back and cook quickly."

Those few people shouted: "Eh, auntie, do you want to leave a contact information? If we look back, if we have a **** disaster, we can find you to solve the disaster!"

Bai Lu shook his head. The ignorant is really fearless: "It's up to you if you listen or not. Anyway, I'm not laughing." Their fate is theirs. What they don't care about is useless.

Shen Taoming turned his head and looked at them coldly. Those few people were somewhat afraid of Shen Taoming and didn't dare to be too presumptuous.

After getting in the car, Bai Lu said to Shen Taoming: "Young people, don't be so arrogant. If they feel that listening to make them feel good, then just do it."

Shen Taoming: "But I don't want you to be wronged..."

Bai Lu raised her eyebrows: "I haven't been wronged, don't you see that I'm not angry at all."

"That's someone I know, because I..."

Bai Lu patted him on the shoulder: "What does it have to do with you? It's not a good habit to take everything on yourself no matter what you do. Let's go and go home."

Shen Taoming was not in a very good mood. He always felt that the incident just now caused Bai Lu to be wronged. He thought, he couldn't finish the calculation of those people. After returning from Gu's house today, he must go find those people. "Talk about it."

Shen Taoming drove away and passed in front of the few people. They were by the side, screaming and saying some nasty things...

Shen Taoming wanted to stop, but Bai Lu stopped him: "Don't worry, let's go."


Bai Lu glanced at the young men and shook their heads, and said, "Trust me, it's boring to care about this with people who are dying."

It is estimated that these people would not be able to **** someone from Hades. They were too pretentious. She said that before, they must be just a joke and no one would listen.

Shen Taoming was taken aback: "Huh?"

Bai Lu didn't explain more: "Let's go, we are all at home waiting for us to buy food and go back."


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