You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2777:

Ye Qiao's parents and Shen Taoming's father were all dumbfounded.

The two they invited before felt like they just did a performance and there was nothing.

However, Zhou Ping let them see, what a skill!

They saw the white rice grains slowly turning black, and finally, they made a slight popping sound, turning them into powder...

Shen Taoming had already covered his mouth in shock.

The calmest person in the audience is Bailu.

Ye Qiao, who was lying on the hospital bed, suddenly began to twist, and there was a painful sound in his throat, his teeth bumped up and down, and every inch of his body's joints gurgled.

It sounds like the goose bumps are all up, and the hair is standing up.

Suddenly, Ye Qiao screamed.

A cloud of black mist emerged from his mouth and rushed towards Ye Qiao's younger sister next to him at a very fast speed.

Sister Ye Qiao screamed and was about to pounce on her.

Suddenly a dozen or so shining golden talisman flew around and surrounded it. Then, it crackled like firecrackers, and exploded in series!

After the last talisman exploded, the black mist disappeared completely.

On the hospital bed, Ye Qiao recovered his calm, closed his eyes, motionless!

The bluish black on his face also disappeared, leaving only a pale white!

Zhou Ping put her hands down: "It's all right, it's over..."

She turned to Bai Lu and said, "Come and collect things!"

Bai Lu smiled and said, "I know, as long as you come, there must be no problem!"

Ye Qiao’s parents rushed to the bed for the first time. Seeing that Ye Qiao’s state had returned to normal, his heartbeat and pulse had been normal, and he was relieved.

Ye Qiao's mother was even more excited and tears flowed into a river.

Ye Qiao's father asked Zhou Ping: "Look, my son is so weak now, is there any way to do it!"

Zhou Ping: "Bring me a cup..."

Ye Qiao's father immediately came over with a cup in both hands.

Seeing Zhou Ping, she squeezed a pinch of incense ash and threw it into the cup: "The same as when you didn't drink it last time..."

"I understand, I understand, thank you very much..." Ye Qiao's father won't let his wife give it again this time!

He immediately poured water and fed his son down.

Zhou Ping said, "Your son is too weak. I guess he will wake up at night. Just take care of it!"

"Thank you Master, thank you..."

"Let's settle the account, I used a lot today!"

Ye Qiao’s father didn’t wait for Zhou Ping to speak, so he gave a *** with both hands: “There is a million in it. If it’s not enough, you say, I’ll make it up. If it’s too much, don’t refuse, just treat it as us. From the hearts of the whole family, I hope you never refuse!"

Zhou Ping smiled: "Okay, then I won't refuse, I will accept it!"

Under normal circumstances, Zhou Ping would never ask for extra money.

However, the situation of the Ye family is indeed a bit different.

Ye Qiao's aspect of this person is not a vicious person, he was originally a blessed person, but...It is estimated that no one around him teaches well, and he met bad friends, so he went wrong.

So, this fate depends on how you walk out.

Good luck may not lead to good luck!

After taking the money, Zhou Ping will donate the extra money after returning, not her name, but Ye Qiao's.

Seeing Ye Qiao’s father’s face was pretty good, she reminded him: “If you want your son to be good, just do more charity, and accumulate virtue for your son. It can also be regarded as accumulating virtue for yourself!”


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