You Are My Gravity

Chapter 333: beg me

Therefore, Qin Se now understands that this is to punish her?

Let you see other men.

So, let you see the meat now, can't you eat it?

Qin Se felt that at this time, he should behave a little bit like Zhen Baoer downstairs, isn't he just not letting him eat?

My old lady, it's a big deal to stop eating!

Yes, stop eating.

Hmph, don’t plant seeds, and still want children, don’t think about more!

Qin Se felt that he should also be more aggressive.

So she snorted, jumped out of the bed, put on slippers, and walked to the bathroom. As she walked, she said, "Huh, mother, I won't eat or plant seeds. You still want to follow me to harvest the children, you Dreaming..."

With a bang, Qin Se closed the door and locked from inside.

After being locked, she hurriedly pressed against the door, wanting to hear the movement outside.

Come and knock on the door, and say: I was wrong, baby...

However, it did not.

Qin Se gritted his teeth and didn't even come to look for her. Okay, she would drive him out after a while.

After taking a shower, Qin wiped his head and went out.

When she looked up and saw the person on the bed, she felt that her knees were almost weak.

Gu Jingyuan was sitting on the bedside, reading a book in his hand. Of course, this was not important. It was important. He was not wearing clothes on his upper body, and the quilt only covered his waist.

The scene caused Qin Se's nosebleeds to be sprayed out.

Gu Jingyuan, the old enchanting evildoer, he just knew that he couldn't resist his masculinity.

Oh, what should I do?

Her **** is about to move again...

Gu Jingyuan read the book for a while, closed it, and put it on the coffee table beside the bed.

Then he glanced at Qin Se: "It's late, I'm going to bed first..."

Qin Se swallowed, "Yes, yes... it's time to sleep...

She trembled, walked over and lay down beside Gu Jingyuan.


Gu Jingyuan closed his eyes and lay on his side. Qin Se looked at his naked back and bit his fingers.

Her eyes are full of perfect flesh, and she eats everything she thinks about, how to swallow it.

However, she dare not...

However, Qin Se changed his mind and thought again.

This is my man, I don't touch it, can it be... keep it for other women to touch?

Yes, your own man, touch it yourself.

So Qin Se secretly stretched out his wretched paw...

As soon as her hand touched Gu Jingyuan's lower waist, he was suddenly held back by him.

Gu Jingyuan's lazy voice sounded: "Do you want it?"

Qin Se whispered: "Hey...think..."

Gu Jingyuan opened his eyes and turned his back to Qin Se, with a wicked smile on the corner of his lips: "Then...please me!"

Qin Se hugged Gu Jingyuan from behind: "Husband, let's plant children..."

and so……

What else?

Of course it's raw...


At dawn, when Qin Se opened his eyes, there was no one around him.

She thought that Gu Jingyuan had left.

She yawned and rubbed her sore waist.

She murmured: "Men are too physically strong, and sometimes they are very worrying..."

Qin Se turned over and lay down, wanting to squint for a while.

Just a little sleepy, the door rang.

Qin Se opened his eyes and vaguely saw a figure coming in.

The figure made her feel in a trance for a moment, and then her mind was awake for a moment, and she sat up in a hurry.

Gu Jingyuan wore a hooded sweater today. He just went out for a run. After running and raining, he came back.

Seeing that Qin Se's complexion was not good, he asked, "What's the matter?"

Qin Se didn't speak, looking at Gu Jingyuan in a daze.

The appearance of him bowing his head in a hooded sweater just now caused a long-lost figure suddenly appeared in her mind, a figure she almost forgot.

Qin Se murmured: " seems, I used to... know someone!"

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