You Are My Gravity

Chapter 336: A car accident

In the villa, Zhou Ping held the card for a while and did not move, not knowing what she was thinking.

Qin Se and Zhen Baoer called her twice, but there was no response.

The two wondered, what's going on, isn't it usually like this?

Qin Se stretched out his hand and shook it twice in front of Zhou Ping: "Mom...what's the matter with you? Playing cards..."

Zhou Ping regained her senses. It was raining outside. Is there still a thunder, she looked at the card in her hand, her mood became more restless, and said: "You give Xiao Gu a call..."

This morning, when Gu Jingyuan came back from a run, Zhou Ping met him downstairs.

At that time, Zhou Ping felt something was wrong. Gu Jingyuan was a very wealthy person. From his face, you could see a steady stream of vitality.

But when I met in the morning, Zhou Ping felt that his face seemed to have changed a little.

If you use the mysterious saying after the divination of the previous people, it is that you have evil in it, but it is not heavy.

So Zhou Ping told Gu Jingyuan, "You have been careful about everything recently..."

Zhou Ping can see people's faces and fortune-telling, but she is not so proficient in how to avoid disasters.

Since Gu Jingyuan and Gu Zhixin left this morning, she has felt that this mood is not quite quiet.

Qin Se was taken aback for a moment, and wondered: "Why?"

"If you let you hit you, hit it soon. If they haven't arrived at the company, just let them come back."

Qin Se nodded, picked up the phone and called Gu Jingyuan.

However, after the communication was passed, no one answered.

Qin Se felt strange that this was the first time she called Gu Jingyuan, but no one answered.

Seeing Zhou Ping's face, Qin Se couldn't help but feel a little worried. She asked: "Mom, no one is answering, is it at the company and busy with other things, haven't you seen?"

Zhou Ping frowned: "Boer, you give Gu Zhixin a call..."

Qin Se asked hurriedly, "Mom, what's the matter? Is something wrong?"

Zhen Baoer also felt a little nervous, and quickly picked up her mobile phone to call Gu Zhixin.

However, just like Qin Se, it got through and no one answered.

Zhen Baoer's heart tightened inexplicably, and she raised her head: "Aunt Ping, no one answers."

Zhou Ping frowned and said nothing.

Qin Se hurriedly stretched out his hand to pull Zhou Ping's arm: "Mom, you are talking, have you figured out something?"

Zhou Ping patted Qin Se on the head: "Maybe it's okay, it's because I thought about it too much."

But after a short time, Qin Se's cell phone rang.

It is a strange number.

Qin Se hesitated, picked up the phone, "Hello?"

There was a somewhat urgent voice on the phone: "Madam, I am the president's secretary."

"Oh, what about the others, are they busy?"

"This... Madam, you... You..." The secretary stammered a little panic...

Qin Se's hand holding the mobile phone became tighter and tighter, and he pretended to be relaxed: "What's the matter, if he is busy, let him be busy first, but... you can leave me alone..."

However, Qin Se soon heard the secretary say: " prepared, just now, the president and Erye’s car had a car accident on the road, and now both of them have been sent to the hospital for rescue..."

After Qin Se heard this, his mind instantly turned white, and the position of the heart and chest seemed to have been stabbed fiercely, and her lips were a little white because of the pain.

Qin Se thought he would be panicked and scared.

However, she was surprisingly calm. She stood up quickly and said, "Okay, I see. I will go to the hospital right now. You will tell me the details on the way."

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