You Are My Gravity

Chapter 353: He's not dead

Gu Jingyuan felt so distressed. If one day, his family status is not better than Qin Zheng, then... it would be a tragedy on earth.

Gu Jingyuan coughed: "Shanshan, I came to see..."

Qin Se didn't give him a chance to finish speaking, and waved his hand: "What are you looking at now? You are here and it is useless. We have to take care of you. Hurry up, hurry up, and push back... "

Song Yizhi saw it, and the last stubbornness on Gu Jingyuan's face was blown away by these words.

He wanted to laugh, but he dared not laugh.

You can't laugh at this time, Gu Zhixin is still alive or dead in it.

Gu Jingyuan wanted to fight one last time: "I... Actually, it's still useful, I can..."

Qin Se interrupted him again: "What is your use, you are useless now, don't struggle, I know what you are thinking, but the most important thing for you now is to heal your wounds, be good, go back and wait for you Brother pulls back from the ghost gate, I will go back and take care of you, obedient..."

Gu Jingyuan: "..."

What else does he do?

He is also desperate?

My wife hates me so much, how should I stand up and attack in the future?

Gu Jingyuan still wanted to make the last resistance, but unfortunately, the nurse had chosen to listen to the dean's wife and pushed him away.

Qin Se also told the nurse: "From now on, you have to listen to me. He is a sick person who cannot walk. Don't listen to him."

Gu Jingyuan...

Since then, Song Yizhi has labelled him a "useless man".

Later, every time Gu Jingyuan was speechless, Song Yizhi would laugh at Gu Jingyuan with this matter.

Of course these are all things to follow.

Not long after Gu Jingyuan was sent away, the lights in the emergency room went out.

The door opened and the doctor walked out.

Qin Se and Zhen Baoer rushed up immediately.

"Doctor, how is it, has anyone rescued?"

Professor Yu looked at Qin Se and Zhen Bao'er with a complicated expression, his expression made them feel heavy.

Professor Yu: "He..."

Qin Se took a deep breath and interrupted the doctor: "Okay, don't talk about it, I know."

She grabbed Zhen Bao'er, who was already in tears: "Boer, go, I'll find a husband for you, since Gu Zhixin that stinky boy dares to die, don't blame you for giving him a cuckold..."

Zhen Baoer choked and said: "Gu Zhixin, you bastard, you keep saying that I will give birth to many children. As a result, you ran away before any one was born. Don't you think I will..."

The doctor hurriedly interrupted the conversation between the two: "Eh, wait, wait, who said that the patient is dead, would you give me a chance to finish?"

The tears on Zhen Bao'er's face were instantly closed: "Huh? mean, he..."

Professor Yu said: "The patient is okay. I was rescued. The sentence you asked me to convey was very useful. I was about to go into shock soon. No medicine was effective. As a result... he heard that his son To call someone else's father, after a while, the blood pressure came up and the heart rate stabilized. This is really a very magical thing..."

Zhen Baoer had a pair of rabbit eyes, round and round, she couldn't believe she looked at Professor Yu: " didn't lie to me?"

Professor Yu nodded, "I didn't lie to you, the patient is now in stable condition."

Qin Se touched his chin and said, "You can carry him over with just one sentence. If I really find a man for you, will he still be angry even if he is dead?"

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