You Are My Gravity

Chapter 356: Want to marry

Qin Se's surprised voice came from the corridor: "My God... why do you have such doubts?"

"Ah? Don't you think... he won't?"

Zhen Baoer's voice was a little timid.

"Dabao, think about it with your toes. It's not a question of whether he wants to marry or not, but... Would you like to marry, OK?"


The voices of the two gradually drifted away.

After seeing Gu Zhixin, Zhen Baoer finally got in the mood to eat.

Since Gu Zhixin had a car accident yesterday, two days have passed. She barely closes her eyes at night, and even eats without taking two bites at all. Her lips are dry and dry.

That kind of worry, fear, entangled her, so she didn't even have the mind to think about anything else.

Especially yesterday, when Gu Zhixin was pushed to the rescue, Zhen Baoer felt that she might not be able to hold on and would faint.

Qin Se put two ribs for Zhen Bao'er. It was already over 10 o'clock. Zhou Ping brought breakfast for them, just because they were worried that they would not eat well. The big fish and meat were delivered in the morning.

Qin Se said: "Come on, you eat more, you have to hold on, don't care that Zhixin is not well, but you are ill, Dabao, the more accidents happen, the stronger you are. You are now Gu Zhixin. Support."

Zhen Baoer nodded: "Um...I won't be able to hold it..."

She looked at Qin Se and said: "Qin Se, I found that you have always been like this, the more the accident, the calmer... I can't compare with you, it's usually okay, but when something happens, the panic will be gone. It's..."

Qin Se laughed at himself: "I...I'm just bracing and pretending...In fact, in my heart, I'm almost afraid to die."

If Gu Jingyuan suffered such a serious injury, maybe, Qin Se is already lying on the hospital bed and receiving fluids.

Zhen Baoer said sincerely: "Fortunately, I have you. Otherwise, I really can't survive these two days, thank you."

"The two of us, you also said thank you to me, maybe we will all be concubines, and the two of us have to join hands with each other's family..."

Qin Se looked around and whispered: "We still have to deal with that old witch from the Gu family."

Zhen Bao'er blushed instantly when she heard the words "women".

Qin Se bumped Zhen Baoer's shoulder with an ambiguous smile: "Why, want to marry?"

Zhen Baoer's face was originally full of sadness and sadness, her eyes were red and swollen, and she looked very haggard, but she showed a shy smile, like a rainbow that briefly appeared on the horizon after a rainstorm, which was extremely stunning.

This is not a forced smile. It's like a girl, walking on the street, and the boy who has a crush in his heart walks towards her. After smiling at her, her face can not help but flushed, her eyes are shy, but it is more sweet .

"I... I... Um!"

Zhen Baoer nodded.

She bit her lip and whispered, "I...want to marry."

Before, Zhen Baoer had never thought of marrying.

Even when she fell in love with Qi Yue before, she never thought about getting married.

On the contrary, Qi Yue had mentioned it to her twice, but she was perfunctory, saying that they were still young and there was no need to worry about getting married.

At that time, Zhen Baoer always felt that getting married seemed very remote!

However, after recognizing his heart.

Zhen Baoer suddenly wanted to get married and wanted very much, especially when she had insomnia last night.

She herself felt that this idea might be a bit crazy.

However, I just want to give him a home!

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