You Are My Gravity

Chapter 368: Fall

Xu Mu is really a very dazzling superstar. The directors and actors who have worked with him all say that this is a very good actor.

There are many actors, because they are so good-looking, they are easy to be overlooked for their acting skills.

But... Xu Mu is not.

He is too good. He is not only good-looking, but his acting skills are even better.

A man in his early forties is in the golden age of the entertainment industry, but he has been popular for many years...

His achievements are far higher than other actors in the same period.

It can even be said that Xu a representative figure of domestic actors in the world.

Almost every actress who works with him will say one thing: When he looks into your eyes and speaks, he can definitely make you fall.

Xu Mu thought to himself: I look at you so sincerely and don't expect you to fall, but... can you be a little fascinated by me, just a little bit!

Zhou Ping's face gradually turned red, she cleared the sangzi: "So..."

Xu Mu smiled, yes, so, can you understand a little bit of my thoughts now?

But he still thinks too much.

Zhou Ping said: "So, have you acted too much in emotional dramas before? I really thought you were the number one male in love dramas in your life, and you couldn't help but say the lines in TV dramas with one mouth?"

Xu Mu...

It felt like another arrow was hit in the chest, but she did not expect that she would say so.

Zhou Ping yawned, "I'm very sleepy. I have to go to the hospital tomorrow morning. I really don't have time to spend with you. If you don't want to get sick, go take a shower. Of course, if you want to get sick, I won't stop you. It's not me who is uncomfortable anyway."

Zhou Ping is about to go upstairs after finishing talking.

Xu Mu: "Are you really all right?"

Zhou Ping didn't turn her head back: "My old lady is very good!"

"I... I'm here tonight. If you want to find someone to talk to in the middle of the night, you can..."

"Thank you, I don't need it."

Zhou Ping walked upstairs quickly.

Xu Mu sighed.


He took out his phone and took a selfie, tweeted on Weibo and wrote: The door is in, but...the room is not in!

After posting Weibo, Xu Mu went upstairs, found the one closest to Zhou Ping's bedroom, and went in.

Zhou Ping went back to the room to find that she was cold. She lowered her head and turned red instantly.

When she thought that she was just downstairs and Xu Mu saw them all, she felt ashamed.

Zhou Ping gritted her teeth, "This man, who pretends to look like a dog, is actually not a good thing, but... after watching it for so long, he doesn't remind me..."

Next door, Xu Mu sneezed two loudly!


At dawn, Zhou Ping didn't know, there were bombings on the Internet, and they all said that she was too mighty.

Regardless of whether Xu Mu left or not, she carried the thermos and went to the hospital.

Outside the ward, she did not go in immediately, and heard Gu Jingyuan and Qin Se talking.

Gu Jingyuan said, "I don't want to wait anymore..."


"I have sent people to prepare for the wedding, and we will get married when I recover from my injury."

"Don't decide on your own, you have to discuss it with my mother, and be careful that your mother-in-law is unhappy and won't let me marry you."

"How come, you will agree to see how good mother-in-law treats me..."

Zhou Ping held the thermos barrel tightly and pushed the door open to enter.

The two turned their heads, Qin Se saw Zhou Ping's face immediately gossiping, and leaned forward: "Mom, you are here, sit down quickly, you were already late to go back last night, and you came so early... Besides, last night, Didn't Uncle Xu go, has he gone?"

Zhou Ping said lightly, "No, I'm still asleep."

Qin Se, still~sleeping~

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