You Are My Gravity

Chapter 375: Wait for death

Song Yizhi touched his pocket and found a handkerchief, but he felt that if he passed his handkerchief up at this time and asked Qin Se to wipe his face, it would definitely not work.

The big guy knows that if he gets jealous, he will drown him.

After thinking about it, Song Yizhi simply took off his white coat and handed it to Qin Se: "Or... wipe your hands."

Qin Se ignored him, her eyes were fierce and murderous, like a rabbit who was forced to kill.

Gu Meiyun's clothes were torn by Qin Se, and a lot of her hair fell off the ground. She was lying there like a puddle of mud, with intermittent painful groans in her throat.

Many people watched, but no one dared to step forward.

Gu Huaizhang looked at his painful sister and didn't know what to say, so he could only secretly say: Deserve it!

What happened to Qin Chong back then, he has actually been guilty in his heart for so many years.

After seeing Zhou Ping and Qin Se, he dared not look into their eyes.

Gu Huaizhang didn't understand, his mother, and sister, what kind of mentality is it to humiliate the benefactor who saved his family, isn't it... you are not afraid of being struck by lightning?

Therefore, Gu Meiyun is now beaten like this, Gu Huaizhang really doesn't feel pitiful in his heart.

He is also very worried about his son!

The son likes Qin Se so much. Now that she knows about her father, will she still marry her son?

The grievances of the previous generation should not be carried over to this generation.

However, the old lady is too much. People from the Qin family haven't wanted to come to them for revenge for so many years, can't they stop?

Don't expect you to retaliate, but you can't avenge your gratitude?

Gu Huaizhang wanted to say a few words to Qin Se, but he didn't dare.

Qin Se raised his hand and wiped the tears on his face fiercely!

With Gu Meiyun's blood on her hand, she rubbed it against her face and left a blood mark on her face, which looked particularly murderous.

Song Yizhi swallowed his mouth, the gangster woman, sure enough... amazing!

Qin Se walked over and stepped on Gu Meiyun’s face: "You **** talk about it, so you want to find it, you come to me soon, I let you know, my father is gone, but his daughter is not Good bully."

Gu Meiyun's face was deformed by being stepped on.

She grabbed Qin Se's ankle, but she kicked it away.

She cursed in her mouth: "Ban...Bitch..."

Qin Se sneered: "Since my dad saved your mother, and he tasted the debts of his mother, then you should pay me back the life my dad saved."

" you dare..."

Qin Se bent down, his blood-stained face seeping a smile, and he looked particularly grim: "Don't forget what our family does, let you die silently, our family has a way."

Gu Meiyun trembles all over, and her teeth fight up and down.

Qin Se let go of Gu Meiyun and said blankly: "Go home... and wait for you to die."

She turned and left.

Gu Huaizhang was shocked when she saw that she was going to the ward, maybe she was going...

He panicked.

Song Yizhi caught up, "Sister-in-law, sister-in-law... wipe your hands!"

"Look at the blood on your hands. I think you have to disinfect. Who knows, is there any infectious disease in her blood?"

Song Yi followed Qin Se to the outside of Gu Jingyuan's ward.

Qin Se stopped, a few seconds later, raised his hand and pushed hard.

The door of the room was suddenly pushed open, and the wind came over, raising Qin Se's long hair.

When Gu Jingyuan heard the sound, he turned his head and met Qin Se's cold eyes.

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