You Are My Gravity

Chapter 378: Wronged

Zhou Ping ran over after learning the bad news, only to see Qin Chong's body.

He was covered with blood and wounds.

All of Qin Chong's colleagues at the scene were crying and speechless. They kept telling Zhou Ping that they were useless and did not rescue Qin Chong.


Qin Chong's death, where is their fault?

When Zhou Ping learned that Mrs. Gu gave the fake money, she angered the kidnappers and directly led to Qin Chong's death.

She went to the old lady Gu angrily to reason, but she said: Since Qin Chong is a policeman, his duty is to protect the people's property and personal safety, and he should be prepared to sacrifice at any time. Even if it is death, that is his duty!

This is why Zhou Ping hates Mrs. Gu so much.

But once said, it was the old lady Gu who killed Qin Chong directly, but she didn't hold a knife in her hand.

However, she was even more hateful than the kidnapper who took the knife.

She is selfish and despicable.

She didn't want to help pay the ransom, she could have said directly, then the police station could figure out a way to raise money on its own.

However, Mrs. Gu felt that she would lose face if she said she didn't want to, so she agreed.

As a result, the police gave the police a pile of waste paper secretly.

If it were not for those waste papers, the kidnappers would not lose their sense of anger, and Qin Chong would never die.

Such a fresh life, such a good person, was killed by Mrs. Gu.

He is still so young, with his wife and children.

Mrs. Gu not only killed one person, she killed a family.

After listening to this, Qin Se trembled angrily.

She knew that Mrs. Gu would avenge her revenge, but she didn't expect that Mrs. Gu did far more despicable things than she thought.


What does this number mean to Gu's family? For them, 5 million is no different from 5 yuan, and it will not harm their family members at all.

What's more, the police said that they would definitely get the ransom.

Even if you can't get it back, shouldn't it...should spend 5 million to save your savior?

But even if it was so, Mrs. Gu refused.

Her selfishness and despicability were carved into her bones. In her opinion, Qin Chong justified her, that was all right, because he was a policeman, so he should save her and die...that's what he deserves.

Anyway, she came out, and the lives of others had nothing to do with her!

And she will not waste money on irrelevant people.

Looking at Qin Se's trembling body, Gu Jingyuan felt even more uncomfortable. He had never hated and hated himself as much as his family.

Everyone knew about the old lady Gu's waste papers for the police, except for Gu Jingyuan, who no longer cared for the family.

If even one person came out and stopped Mrs. Gu, or if he told the police secretly, Qin Chong would not die.

Therefore, everyone in the Gu family is responsible for Qin Chong's death.

Everyone has Qin Chong's blood on their hands.

"Shanshan, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry..."

Gu Jingyuan was panicked and frightened, trying to grasp Qin Se's hand.

Qin Se took a step back. She kept shaking her head, tears in her eyes, trying to speak, but her throat seemed to be stuck, and she couldn't make a sound.

Qin Se suddenly turned and left.

Gu Jingyuan panicked and shouted, "Shanshan, where are you going?"

Qin Se's face looked hideous because of hatred.

Oh, where to go!

Injustices, debts!

That old thing has been at peace for so many years, it's time for someone to clean her up.

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