You Are My Gravity

Chapter 412: Wife

Zhen Baoer had a dream. She dreamed of her wedding.

Yes, it was a wedding with Qin Se.

He waited for the bridegroom to pick him up, but, wait and wait, Qin Se was picked up by Gu Jingyuan, and his bridegroom hadn't come yet.

It was getting dark, and finally...her bridegroom came.

In the dream, Zhen Baoer was particularly angry, and shouted: "Why are you here so late, do you want to end this marriage?"

The other party opened her mouth, but she woke up before she could speak...

Because Zhen Baoer felt as if someone was poking her.

Zhen Baoer was sleeping well, and she was still waiting for the bridegroom to answer her words. Why did she come to pick her up so late? Her hands were already raised, and if the answer was wrong, she was considered a beating.

Being poked a little irritable, Zhen Baoer raised her hand and waved wildly.

However, she seems to have hit something,

Zhen Baoer rubbed her eyes, yawned, and straightened up.

Suddenly, she seemed to hear something.

Zhen Baoer was stunned, motionless, and indeed the next second, she heard someone shouting: "Wife..."

Zhen Baoer shook her body, this does it sound

She suddenly raised her head and faced a pair of bright and clear eyes that were like clear springs.

Zhen Baoer saw her own shadow in his eyes.

She looked at each other blankly, forgot to speak, and what kind of expression she should show at this moment.

On the contrary, he looked at her with a big smile, and when he grinned, he showed white teeth.

Without a blood-colored face, he looked weak and pitiful at the moment. When he woke up, he was innocent as a newborn baby, and his eyes were so clean that he couldn't help but want to take care of him.

He said: "Wife..."

"You..." Zhen Bao'er opened her mouth, but her throat was choked and she couldn't speak.

After waiting for so long, finally...finally saw him wake up, finally can hear his voice again, finally can...see his eyes, reflecting his own figure.

The panic and fear of the past so many days disappeared at this moment.

Gu Zhixin, who was lying on the hospital bed, raised his bandaged hand, "Don't cry..."

Zhen Baoer was taken aback, and quickly touched her face.

It turned out that she had already shed tears on her face at some point.

Zhen Baoer shook her head quickly: " crying...I'm not crying, I'll call the doctor over..."

However, as soon as Zhen Baoer moved, he grabbed her hand: "No...Yes, let's go..."

With tears on her face, Zhen Bao'er smiled softly: "Don't worry, I'll call a doctor and come over soon!"

However, she turned around and took a step, Gu Zhixin still did not let go.

Instead, he shouted in pain: "It hurts..."

"What did you... just say?"

Gu Zhixin pursed his lips, raised his hand, and said, "My wife, have to whistle..."

The smile on Zhen Baoer's face gradually disappeared, and she realized that something was wrong.

Ten minutes later, the doctor came in.

Zhen Baoer's hand was still being held by Gu Zhixin, and he raised his head from start to finish, looking at her without blinking.

Zhen Baoer felt sour and asked the doctor: "Doctor...he...what is going on with him? Why...why..."

The doctor shook his head and said: "The sequelae of the impact on the head, blood clots in the brain oppress the nerves, resulting in serious intellectual impairment. His current IQ is probably...that is, a four or five-year-old child..."

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