You Are My Gravity

Chapter 505: married

Tian Jinzhi screamed: "Ah... my hand... my hand... is going to be broken..."

Tian Jinzhi sweated coldly on his painful forehead, "Boer Boer, let him let go...let him let go..."

Zhen Baoer knew Gu Zhixin's strength, but she had seen him break a person's wrist with her own eyes.

She hurriedly pulled Gu Zhixin's arm: "Zhixin, let go of her, don't worry, I won't go, I won't go!"

Gu Zhixin looked at Zhen Baoer aggrievedly, and let go of Tian Jinzhi's wrist.

When letting go, Gu Zhixin gave a push, and Tian Jinzhi staggered, took two steps back, and sat down on the ground.

"Oh... it hurts me so much..."

Tian Jinzhi screamed, and she couldn't tell where the pain was. Anyway, it was pain, and it was uncomfortable anywhere!

Zhen Baoer looked at Tian Jinzhi and said indifferently: "I won't leave with you, Mom... you go."

Tian Jinzhi covered his wrist and said anxiously: "If you don't go, what are you staying for... He... He is a fool. Do you think I can't see that people with more brains are like him? Zhen Baoer, I am born. You gave you a life, raised you, and let you go to college. I'm expecting that in the future, you can marry a good family. Your dad and I still have... Anyway, just enjoy a few days with you. Now... ...What is this for?"

Just now, Tian Jinzhi wanted to say, your father and I and your brother will follow you to enjoy the blessing, but when I remembered that Zhen Baoer was so tired of Zhen Jinbao, he swallowed it back.

Anyway, Tian Jinzhi could see that the man Zhen Baoer was looking for was a fool.

If he were a normal man, anyone who had a little more brain and knew that she was Zhen Baoer's old lady would not be willing to fawn, but he was so good that he should dare to beat her.

Isn't this a fool?

Zhen Baoer gritted her teeth, she knew, if Tian Jinzhi knew, she would definitely say so.

But if she is told that Gu Zhixin is very rich, she might be anxious to let her follow Gu Zhixin.

Zhen Baoer had already seen it through.

Gu Zhixin was pitiful and wronged, "Wife...I'm not stupid..."

Tian Jinzhi sneered: "You are not a fool, what are you, look at this, Zhen Baoer, do you want to **** me off? I will tell, if you still want to recognize my mother in the future, if you still want to enter the Zhen family Gate, you leave this trash immediately and come home with me."

Zhen Baoer's body trembled a little, and she suddenly shouted, "Shut up."

Tian Jinzhi was taken aback, opening his mouth and didn't know what to say.

However, after a second, Tian Jinzhi’s voice grew louder, "Zhen have to **** your mother to death? You told me you were working, but you were taken care of in the hospital. Such a fool, you don’t even ask if your own brother is lying there with a high fever, you turned your elbow out, a little beast with no conscience..."

"I'll say it again, he is not a fool, he just suffered a head injury, I am here to take care of him, I am willing, I am happy..."

Tian Jinzhi said sharply: "You are willing, you are happy? Why are you so cheap and came to take care of this kind of man? Qin Se knows how to find a rich man to help his brother and let her mother live a good life, you Are you willing to be a dead girl?"

Zhen Baoer's eyes flushed and her lips trembled: "I tell you, his name is Gu Zhixin, my boyfriend, no, not my boyfriend, he is my husband, he and I are married, and I got the certificate."

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