You Are My Gravity

Chapter 509: Terrible

Zhen Baoer patted him on the shoulder: "Well, if you want to be with me forever, you can't kill. Of course... If anyone bullies you, or bullies me, hits... it's okay, kills... no."

Zhen Bao'er didn't want to put Gu Zhi's new tutorial on a little bun who couldn't fight back or scolded him.

She didn't want Gu Zhixin to commit a murder and break the law, and likewise, she didn't want her to be bullied.

Now Gu Zhixin is not very good at his brain.

It's easy to be deceived and bullied when you go out.

Zhen Baoer squeezed Gu Zhixin's cheeks: "Remember?"

Gu Zhixin nodded vigorously: "Remember, remember, you can hit someone, you can't kill someone..."

Zhen Baoer nodded: "Yes!"

The doctors and nurses couldn't help but curl their lips when they heard that, this education...

They quietly left the ward, leaving only two people in the ward.

Suddenly, Zhen Baoer's expression changed: "Eh, that's not right..."

Gu Zhixin raised his head and asked, "What's wrong?"

Zhen Baoer patted her head: "I was so angry that I had forgotten. How did my mother know that I was here and found it so accurately? And... where did she get the money? Didn't all the money get robbed? ?"

Zhen Baoer felt very strange.

Her mother was able to find this place accurately. Someone must have told her the address, but there were not a few people who knew she was here.

She, Qin Se and none of them would say anything.

Then...who will tell her mom?

Qin Se felt something was wrong, so he quickly found the cell phone and called Qin Se.


Just now, after running a long way down the hospital building, Tian Jinzhi dared to stop.

She turned around and looked at the back to make sure that no one was chasing her before she was relieved.

After the tense and fearful spirit relaxed, she suddenly lost strength, sitting decadently on the flowerbed by the roadside, and couldn't help crying.

"What did I do..."

"I gave birth to two daughters, one is less filial than the other..."

"Daughters don't always earn money to help support the family and younger brother, what's wrong with what I said?"

"Zhen Baoer, a dead girl, also found a fool... a fool... What can she give her in the future? Is it hard to find someone rich?"

Tian Jinzhi cried and vented to himself.

A young man passing by took another look and stopped, hesitated for a few thousand moments: "Auntie, you...what's wrong?"

Tian Jinzhi raised his head and looked at the handsome and kind young man. He couldn't help but feel sad, "Unfortunate at home, the daughter raised is not filial... I have to marry a fool... I really don't know what to do... …"

Tian Jinzhi told all his "tragic experience" to young people he didn't know.

After hearing this, the other party said: "This... is indeed too much. You are her biological mother after all. But, are you... Are you going to leave? No money, what will your son do?"

Tian Jinzhi sighed for a long time. Originally, she really didn't get the money and refused to leave.

But, just upstairs, she said and said... she didn't dare to say it.

Tian Jinzhi thought of being upstairs, she finally saw the look on that fool's face!

Horrible, gloomy, and cold, as if there are countless evil spirits hidden in his eyes...

If she dared to say one more word, she would be carried like an endless abyss by the evil spirits, with no bones left.

Tian Jinzhi felt a little cold on her body, she murmured: "Too...terrible..."

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