You Are My Gravity

Chapter 522: To take off the order

Qin Zheng's words are just two words for his fans-heartbreak!

On the big screen, the camera swept over the fans supporting Qin Zheng with tears in the audience.

The host's laughing mouth is almost cramping.

He walked to the front of the stage, bent down and asked Qin Zheng's fans below: "Hearing this, what do you think!"

The female fan gritted her teeth, wiped away her tears, and said, "The idols I hold, I have to chase them down on my knees!"

Another female fan next to her gritted her teeth and said: "I will try to get out of the singles, next time... bring my boyfriend, I will let brother Qin Zheng know that even if my mother is not a single dog, she will still chase him."

After she said this, other fans screamed.

This speaks their aspirations.

In front of the TV, Qin Se was holding a slice of potato chips, feeling that he couldn't eat anymore.

She asked: "Mom, take a good look, do you think these little girls look like the ones who have been poisoned?"

Zhou Ping was cutting the mango with a knife after hearing her daughter's words, she looked up.

"No Gu..."

Qin Se shook his head and said, "What's going on? Everyone is so crazy? Why? I really don't understand!"

Zhou Ping: "The problem with eyes!"

"Can't eye contact be bad forever?"

Gu Jingyuan smiled and said, "Maybe they brought their own beauty filters when they watched Qin Zheng..."

Qin Se looked at him and couldn't help nodding: "What you said is reasonable!"

The stage has been replaced by other teams' performances, but it is obvious that compared with the performance of Qin Zheng and his team in the previous one, the shouts from the stage are much less.

In fact, their performance is not bad. After all, the number of people has been eliminated by half. How many of them are still on the stage with too poor ability?

Even Qin Zheng, who was the worst before, is now starting to catch up?

However, even if the various abilities are outstanding, sometimes they lack some luck and the audience.

The audience thought he was good at singing and dancing, but...turning his head was still attracted by Qin Zheng.

After the performances of all the teams were over, there was no surprise, Qin Zheng's team still got the highest number of votes.

Qin Zheng has the highest individual votes among all.

When interviewing the instructors later, Ren Xiao had already said directly: "There is basically no suspense in the whole competition, and Qin Zheng is still the first."

Ren Xiao smiled and said, "You know, when he didn't know anything before, he could still stand first. What's more, now that he has already rushed towards the road of great singing and dancing, Ladula will not come. The kind."

Now that the competition schedule is just over halfway, the fans that Qin Zheng has gained are unmatched by anyone else.

He has taken an absolute advantage.

Just as some sunspots on the Internet said: Next, wait and see, even if Qin Zheng does nothing and stands on the stage as a pillar during the performance, his fans will also give him one...

These words, although a little sour, are...the truth!

This episode of the show hadn't ended yet, and Qin Zheng was posted on Weibo again.

Qin Zheng's fan is really a real mother and sister.

#Our little prince, must stand at the top of the pyramid#

#Qin Zheng, brother, we will take you to the world! #

#你的江山, we will help you fight! #

Qin Se held the phone to Zhou Ping and showed it to Zhou Ping: "Mom, Mom, take a look... these little girls..."

Zhou Ping smiled: "That's great, don't worry about him not getting married in the future."

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