You Are My Gravity

Chapter 524: Big killer

Qin Se and Gu Jingyuan couldn't understand what Zhou Ping painted.

Anyway, no matter what Zhou Ping does, they will think that my mother is amazing, so awesome!

However, at this moment, both of them shook.

If Zhou Ping can take it seriously, then the problem is definitely not simple.

Moreover, Qin Se clearly felt that when Zhou Ping used Gu Jingyuan's blood to paint on her arm, she felt a little hot and a little tingling.

It feels hard to tell, and it's not very intense, but it's just a bit uncomfortable.

It seemed like... After being bitten by a mosquito in summer, I scratched my skin, and then fell on the feeling of Fengyoujing.

Qin Se and Gu Jingyuan looked straight at Zhou Ping's face.

When Zhou Ping stopped, Qin Se's left and right forearms were already full of symbols, bloody.

There is a smell of blood in the breath, and it feels...somewhat oozing.

Qin Se swallowed his saliva: "Mom...what, what's wrong...Is there something wrong with me?"

Zhou Ping ignored her and said to Gu Jingyuan: "Go and deal with the injury on your arm."

Gu Jingyuan shook his head quickly: "I'm fine. Mom didn't make a heavy hand when you were paddling just now. You just cut a bit of the skin... You, why is it suddenly like this? Isn't it... something happened to Shanshan?"

In Gu Jingyuan's impression, unless something major happened, Zhou Ping was really a very calm, rational and wise woman.

Qin Se looked at Zhou Ping's solemn and condensed face, and his face paled in fright: "Mom... tell me, shouldn't I be... unsaved?"

Zhou Ping glared at her.

"What are you thinking about, it should be fine now, do you feel your arm now?"

Qin Se moved his right arm, "It was a bit tingling at first, but it doesn't hurt anymore, but... it's still a bit hot, it seems heavier than the right arm, Mom, what's the matter with me?"

Gu Jingyuan didn't care about the wounds on his face and arms, "Mom, what's on Shanshan...?"

Zhou Ping grabbed Qin Se's right arm and looked it over and over twice, and said: "It's not a major issue, it has been resolved. It should be something unclean from the Huo family's house."

Qin Se shivered, ", I've been with you all the time, I haven't run around anywhere, I haven't touched anything in their yard!"

After speaking, Qin Se uttered, "I... Mom, I remembered, it might not have been when I posted a note to Director Huo..."

Zhou Ping's face was ugly, her eyes were cold, and she nodded: "That's when you posted it with your right hand."

Qin Se said with a turmeric face: "Mom...I just post it to him, and then... bumped into it."

Zhou Ping patted her on the head: "It's okay...I was careless..."

Fortunately, she only found out what was wrong.

Qin Se moved his arm: "It doesn't feel so hot now, it doesn't seem so heavy... Mom, why did you use his blood just now?"

Zhou Ping said: "Xiao Gu's blood can drive away evil spirits."

Gu Jingyuan was born with wealth and fate, with a purple qi in his body. Such a person, with a good fate, is a big killer that automatically ward off evil spirits.

Gu Jingyuan suddenly felt as if he had become very useful all of a sudden.

Qin Se quickly grabbed Gu Jingyuan's hand: "Mom... Since the Huo family is so scary, let's not go tomorrow."

Zhou Ping sneered: "Go...Of course I want to go, otherwise I have to... let him add more money."

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