You Are My Gravity

Chapter 555: Interview

Qin Se asked again: "But would Xiang Qiuchi doubt that we knew his identity, and then... he just started on us..."

Gu Jingyuan couldn't help but squeezed her face: "Are you a decoration for your husband? What's more, he charges so many people at once, except for the new head, who will give him the money. what?"

Qin Se nodded: "I seems to be the same..."

"Okay, don't think about it so much. With me, you will never be in danger."

Since Xiang Qiuchi was a killer, Gu Jingyuan thought it was easy. Find someone to find out what level Xiang Qiuchi is in the job of a killer.

Zhen Baoer looked at Gu Jingyuan shiveringly: "Big guy...we..."

Gu Jingyuan swept through Gu Zhixin, and secretly said: This silly boy is now relaxed.

"An Xin, it's my brother after all, I will take care of him naturally."

Zhen Baoer quickly said: "Thank you, boss...thank you..."

When she returned home, Zhen Baoer felt that her whole body was comfortable, and her spirit was not so tight. She was always afraid of accidents in the hospital before.

Zhou Ping yawned and was about to go upstairs to take a nap, when the phone rang.

Qin Se pleased take out the phone and handed it over: "Mom, Uncle Xu's..."

Zhou Ping frowned and took it, "Hey..."

The next second she exclaimed: "What? Come in the afternoon?"

Zhou Ping put down the phone, Qin Se asked hurriedly, "Mom, what's the matter?"

Zhou Ping looked numb: "The people on the show, come home in the afternoon."

Qin Se: "This...this is too sudden, right?"

She thought that if the people from the show team came, they would definitely say in advance. As a result... they would come this afternoon!

The point is... it's already afternoon.

Qin Se patted Zhou Ping: "Mom, don't be nervous, it's okay, say it, let them make a mosaic."

Zhou Ping yawned: "Then I will go to sleep upstairs, if they come, wake me up."

"it is good……"

Zhou Ping went upstairs. ,

Zhen Baoer hurriedly asked: "Is it Xiaozheng and their program group who are coming to the house to film?"

Qin Se nodded: "Yes, it is said that every participating player will record it and use it in the last two periods."

Zhen Baoer was so happy: "Then you and Aunt Ping are going to be on TV."

Qin Se waved his hands again and again: "No, no, no, I said in advance, I must put a mosaic on me and my mother."

Zhen Baoer was curious: "Why, why are you so beautiful and afraid of you?"

Qin Se shook his head: "We are not ashamed of ourselves, I am afraid... everyone will know that we are Qin Zheng's mother and sister, and we will be ashamed..."


Zhen Baoer scratched his nose, really sympathizing with Qin Zheng.

She said: "I have watched the two episodes of Xiaozheng. I have made a lot of progress. They have made a lot of progress, and they have worked very hard. If you look at the evaluation of him in the evening, they all say that he is actually a very talented child. It’s just that I’ve never received training in dance music, so I’m pretty close."

Zhen Baoer said of Qin Zheng with a look of excitement: "However, everyone sees his efforts. In such a short period of time, he has caught up to so many at once, compared to those who have learned dance for many years. Too bad, amazing. Anyway, I think Xiaozheng will definitely make his debut in C position, and we must make him C position."

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