You Are My Gravity

Chapter 557: Come kiss

I couldn't help but lie on Gu Jingyuan: "Oh... jealous..."

Without changing his face, Gu Jingyuan stretched out his hand to push Qin Se's head away: "No."

Qin Se couldn't laugh, and after being pushed aside, he leaned over and hugged Gu Jingyuan: "Okay, okay... How can you care about a child? Chen Mo is only 16 years old. Little one."

Gu Jingyuan sneered: "Heh...16 years old? Isn't he a man?"

Qin Se couldn't help but always wanted to laugh: "I won't tell you in front of you from now on, OK? Come and kiss..."

Gu Jingyuan stretched out his hand to block Qin Se's mouth: "If you don't say it in front of my face, then you have to say it behind the scenes?"

"Ah... this, I always have a little hobby..."


Gu Jingyuan squinted at Qin Se. Isn't it enough to have him? Want to like a little boy?

Qin Se shivered, and thrust his head into Gu Jingyuan's arms: "I was wrong, I was wrong... Don't look at me with such a look, I'm afraid..."

She was lying on Gu Jingyuan's body and was getting tired, suddenly...

"Be kind to me..."

Xu Mu led people into the living room and saw Qin Se hanging on Gu Jingyuan on the sofa.

Xu Mu suddenly felt a little embarrassed, not very embarrassed.

But everyone behind him came in. At this time, it was impossible to withdraw.

Xu Mu cleared his throat: "Ah... Well, the guy from the show crew came."

Qin Se's face blushed and quickly let go of Gu Jingyuan: " are here, then...that...please sit down, please..."

At this moment, she could immediately understand how she felt when she interrupted her mother and Xu Mu before doing good things.

Seeing about ten people coming in behind the family, Qin Se suddenly became nervous.

Xu Mu pointed to a man in his forties wearing a black peaked cap and introduced to Qin Se: "This is the director of "Idol Cultivation", Director Zheng..."

"This is Qin Zheng's sister, Qin Se..."

Qin Se hurriedly stretched out his hand: "Hello Director Zheng, thank you for your care and training of my brother."

Director Zheng, has not yet been shocked by the "suffocation" of the Qin family. He was stunned for a moment and hurriedly stretched out his hand and shook Qin Se: "You and your family should be grateful. You and your family have cultivated Qin Zheng. I miss my child, and half of the ratings of our programs depend on him."

After the two exchanged greetings, Qin Se invited them to sit down first, and then hurried to prepare melon and fruit tea.

Xu Mu asked Qin Se: "Where is your mother?"

"Sleeping upstairs, she said before, if someone from the show crew comes, wake her up, I..."

Before Qin Se finished speaking, Xu Mu said: "I'll call her."

After that, someone who was very familiar with the road went upstairs.

It was too late for Qin Se to call.

Seeing Director Zheng and the program staff were shocked.

Qin Se hurriedly said: "Ah... Our Xiaozheng's brokerage company is the same as Uncle Xu, so... Uncle Xu is very familiar with our family..."

Director Zheng nodded: "Oh, understand..."

But all of them are rolling their eyes: Even if it is a brokerage company, can it mature like this?

Looking at the posture of Emperor Xu, he clearly followed his own home, and he was very familiar.

The other's daughter hadn't said that when she went upstairs to call someone, the actor Xu went first.

This is more than ordinary familiarity!

Qin Se quickly changed the subject and said, "That Director Zheng, Uncle Xu told you about it..."

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