You Are My Gravity

Chapter 562: It's her husband

Director Zheng felt that with Zhou Ping's words just now, by the time it was broadcast, he would surely detonate Qin Zheng's fans and help him circle many more fans.

The smile of this family is just too good.

The interview is finally over.

Qin Se asked the director: "The director, you must remember it, and you must put mosaics on us in the later stage... Don't put it on..."

The director nodded, "Okay, okay, rest assured."

"Be sure to play with your heart."


After the interview, Zhou Ping cut two watermelons for everyone.

The people in the program group left after eating.

Before leaving, Director Zheng asked: "Ms. Xu, don't you go together?"

Xu Mu shook his head: "You go first...bye."

Of course he won't leave, he must stay.

The director became suspicious again, thinking that there must be something tricky in it.


The van of the program group, after starting.

The staff exchanged words with you.

"Oh my God, I didn't expect Qin Zheng's family to be so rich."

"Not only is the wealthy, but the family is so good-looking, Qin Zheng's mother is so temperamental, and his sister is so good-looking... And his brother-in-law, who is so handsome and cuts the universe, God doesn't have long eyes, he looks good." Everyone ran away together."

"Eh, don't you think that Teacher Xu is strange? Even if Qin Zheng is the same company with him, even if he is planning to bring Qin Zheng, but... not so familiar with Qin Zheng's family, it's almost the same as his own."

"Yeah, didn't you find out? After the interview, Teacher Xu actually helped Qin Zheng's mother tidy her hair, so she was so close."

Suddenly, someone exclaimed: "I know what's going on. Look, this is a photo taken by Teacher Xu before. Do you see if this photo looks like Qin Zheng's house..."

"Oh my God, it really is... I have a very bold guess..."

"This... Mother Qin Zheng, could it be... Shepherd's wife?"


At this moment, Teacher Xu is continuing the unfinished apology with her husband.

Before the interview, he posted on Weibo, saying that he had kissed Zhou Ping secretly and was "thrown" out of the room.

Below his Weibo, a group of people are laughing at him...

Xu Mu's fans are now leaning to one side, and they all ran into Zhou Ping's camp.

#老许 is now daring and fat, dare to kiss our shepherd's wife without reporting...#

#牧女威武, Old Xu, you are too wretched today#

#老许你不做死, quickly apologize to the shepherd's wife, want to survive#

At this moment, Xu Mu, who has a strong desire for survival, sat opposite Zhou Ping and said seriously: "I was wrong. Before I kiss next time, I will tell you in advance..."

Zhou Ping stared at him: "Next time? Are you telling me next time?"

"No, no, I mean... I mean... I mean..." Xu Mu took a deep breath: "Give me a chance."

Zhou Ping gritted her teeth: "Go away! You say you, come to my place all day long, are you not busy? You are not known as the most valuable actor, there are hundreds of scripts waiting for you to choose, there are countless Are the commercials waiting for you to shoot? Can't you be busy with business?"

Xu Mu said seriously: "You are my business!"


Zhou Ping's face turned red.

Xu Mu got up and sat down in front of Zhou Ping, tentatively reaching out and trying to grab her hand: "My current business is only you. When I think of you, I think those jobs are very boring."

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