You Are My Gravity

Chapter 574: God can't save

All the problems that Tian Jinzhi had on her body were really caused by her hungry, tired, and hot after she came here...

After all, on such a hot day, she has to run out to hand out flyers!

Not to mention Tian Jinzhi, a 50-year-old aunt, even if he is a young man who spends so long outside, you can see if he is dizzy and his heart beats faster.

"I... I don't believe... You must have lied to me, you must be looking at me, you just don't want me to live well, right? Zhou Ping, why is your woman's mind so vicious? I have known each other for decades, you..."

Zhou Ping interrupted Tian Jinzhi impatiently: " don't look at your current virtues? What are you better than me, what are you worthy of my viciousness? It's ridiculous, even a little bit of self-knowledge. nothing!"


"You think that if you have known you for more than ten years, if it's not for your daughter's sake, who will care about your life and death? In short, I have already said that you love to walk or not. What am I doing? You are dead, and my life is still going on!"

Zhou Ping finished speaking and turned to leave with her bag.

What she said was true. She really felt that if Tian Jinzhi died, then something really happened.

Tian Jinzhi hurriedly stopped her in a panic: "You...what you said, but it's true..."

"I said it earlier, believe it or not!"

Zhou Ping never stopped!

Her indifferent attitude made Tian Jinzhi feel even more panicked!

Because Zhou Ping was so good, Tian Jinzhi knew it in his heart!

The people in their hometown, if you look at Feng Shui in everything, if something happens at home, they will try their best to invite Zhou Ping out of the mountain, but as the family’s children get older, Zhou Ping is afraid of her, something planned in the field of feudal superstition Will affect children's schooling. Especially universities.

Therefore, it rarely goes out!

However, she saw it accurately, as everyone knew.

Therefore, although Tian Jinzhi always refused to admit what Zhou Ping said, he had already admitted it in his heart!

"I...I...why, since you said it, then you should make it clear, otherwise I won't leave!"

Tian Jinzhi's fat figure quickly ran in front of Zhou Ping!

Zhou Ping sneered: "It's ridiculous to say as if your threat is of any use to me!"

"Except for knowing you and me, you are dead, me; you are dead, I; you won't even cry a tear, really, why should I talk nonsense to you..."

"No, if you don't finish talking to me, I won't let you go..." Tian Jinzhi stopped Zhou Ping, and refused to let her go!

She was terrified in her heart, she wished Zhou Ping could tell her that they were all fake!

It scared him!

Zhou Ping said...

What's the use for her?

Zhou Ping said coldly: "Your fate belongs to water. Kyoto has been a blessed land since ancient times. A prosperous land is a land of golden fire. You are a weak water fate. After you come here, you cannot enjoy the blessings of Kyoto. Isn't it a retrograde every day?"

"It's like a **** that is washed away every day. You may feel uncomfortable at first, but within a few days, you will be washed down. Then, the gods will not be able to save you!"

After speaking, Zhou Ping pushed Tian Jinzhi away!

She should have said almost everything, and Tian Jinzhi was probably almost afraid in her heart, because her face turned pale at this time!

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