You Are My Gravity

Chapter 578: Grab a wife

After Zhou Ping finished speaking, there was no sound on the other end of the phone!

Zhou Ping looked at the phone and frowned. If the call was still going on, she thought the other party had already hung up!

"Then I'll hang up, and I'll talk about it later!"

"Wait!" Xu Mu said quickly!

At this moment, Xu Mu was shocked and heartbroken. Sister Mi abandoned him and was with another man!

This is absolutely unbearable!

It's absolutely impossible to dare to find another man!

Xu Mu felt that something was about to be in his heart, gushing out!

pissed off!


I really want to hack someone, I really want to see which shameless man was who hooked up his person!

At this moment, Xu Mu who was in the dressing room suddenly stood up!

Xu Mu's face was gloomy and dark, and the makeup artist and agent beside him were startled!

"Ms. Xu, what's wrong?"

The makeup artist asked carefully!

Xu Mu gritted his teeth, and countless questioning words flashed in his heart!

However, in the end, he still opened his mouth and asked: "Oh...with someone else, where are you now, turn around, I will pick you up, and wait until you are done!"

Xu Mu is the actor, this acting skills must not be given for nothing!

Whatever you say, you can't let Zhou Ping hear it!

After all, it was the man who seduced his wife who was at fault!

Not... Sister-in-law!

No matter how much fire and sourness is in my heart, I can't spread the anger on my sister-in-law!

This is the basics of being a virtuous and good man!

Others have said that the more at this time, the less he can let Sister-in-law feel any changes in his mood.

Must be gentler and virtuous than before!

Yes, exactly!

In fact, the sour bubbles in Xu Mu's heart were about to come out of his stomach!

With a mouthful, he felt that he was going to be unable to hold it anymore, and his teeth were almost weakened by the sourness!

Xu Mu really wanted to know who the mean man standing next to Zhou Ping was!

Zhou Ping didn't think much about it, and said directly: "No need, I can go back by myself! Okay, let's do this first, and talk later!"

After Zhou Ping finished speaking, she died.

Leave Xu Mu standing in the dressing room gnashing his teeth!

"Ms. are you okay!"

The makeup artist was still holding a brush in her hand, a little scared, she thought she did something that made Xu Mu upset!

Did Xu Mu's agent come over to pat the makeup artist? Let her go to the back first!

"Old Xu, what's wrong with you!"

Xu Mu clenched his hand tightly, his phone was about to be crushed!

For the first time, the agent saw such a terrifying expression from Xu Mu's face!

In the mirror, Xu Mu's face was solemn, without a slight smile, and his eyes were cold, a little scary...

"I have something urgent, I will not do today's show!"

After saying that Xu Mu turned around to leave!

The agent was taken aback and hurriedly yelled: "Lao Xu Lao Xu...what's wrong with you, what happened? We signed a contract for this show. You will not record it at this time. We are going to pay for breach of contract. Golden!"

Xu Mu didn't stop, walked quickly to the door, opened the door and said: "What happened to the liquidated damages, can't I still pay it!"

What kind of liquidated damages can be compared to the wife who is about to be cut off?

The agent was shocked, what happened on earth that would make Xu Mu so angry!

"What's wrong with Old Xu, this is not like you, you have something to tell me!"

The broker catches up!

"Be calm in everything, don't be impulsive!"

Xu Mu suddenly stopped and turned around and said bitterly, "Calm down? If your wife is robbed, can you calm down?"

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