You Are My Gravity

Chapter 604: Out of order

He Shen went upstairs, went straight to Gu Zhixin's room, pushed it away, and shouted, "Xiao Zhixin, Brother He, come to see you!"

Gu Zhixin, who was sitting on the bed alone, raised his head and saw He Shen, and his face was immediately guarded: "Who are you?"

He Shen was stunned for a moment, and his left foot was tripped by his right foot: "I wipe, you really don't recognize me?"

Gu Zhixin frowned: "Should I know you?"

He Shen walked quickly to the bedside: "Of course you should know me! Your brother said that many people don't know you now, and I thought to myself, if you forget others, you will always remember me?"

He Shen sat on the side of the bed with his arm pounding Gu Zhixin: "You forgot, your brother helped you find the first woman in your life. You can't forget something so fresh in your memory."

Naturally, he couldn't believe what he said.

He Shen wanted to deliberately provoke Gu Zhixin to see if he would deny it. If he denies it, it must be pretending.

That year, on the day of Gu Zhixin's adulthood, He Shen said that he must give him a special coming-of-age gift.

Carefully selected and gave him a woman.


The woman, **** with a rope by Gu Zhixin, gagged and stuffed it under the bed without touching it at all.

Later, He Shen talked about this for several years.

He always said that Gu Zhixin's first woman was found by him, but it was a pity... that they didn't touch her.

Gu Zhixin turned his head and ignored him: "My wife told me not to talk to strangers, you go out."

He Shen was even more surprised now, "Wife? I wiped... When did your kid have a wife? Why don't I know? Who, isn't it pretty? Where is the person, do you want me to help you see? ?"

In the past, He Shen always said that Gu Jingyuan and Gu Zhixin brothers disliked them. They had such good conditions, but they didn't know how to enjoy them.

There are so many beautiful flowers in the world waiting for them to pick them up, but they don’t even touch them. Isn’t this ruining their good looks and good figure?

He Shen always regretted, saying that each of them was single based on their own abilities, and in all likelihood they would not find a woman in the future.

As a result, how long did he leave.

Gu Jingyuan's wedding is already on the agenda.

Gu Zhixin didn't even have a wife.

This speed is too much, right?

What about being single by ability? How come all of them suddenly got off the order as if they were hanging up? This is not scientific at all!

Gu Zhixin pushed him: "Go away, my wife doesn't want you to watch."

He Shen was very curious, where he was willing to go, pestering Gu Zhixin: "Don't tell me, tell me, tell me, brother, I'm really surprised, what it is like to be your wife Girl?"

Gu Zhixin: "It's very good anyway!"

"Come here, tell my brother, I have a wife, how can I hide this kind of big thing by myself, let's share it, good friends?"

Gu Zhixin pushed He Shen again: "I'm not good friends with you, you go away."

He Shen came up again: "Don’t don’t don’t, what a good friend of ours, I can’t go, you show me, just have a look, let me see your wife, I will help you check it out, with me You tell me, there are not one thousand women I have seen, but eight hundred...I am an expert on bitch, my brother will help you take a look!"

Gu Zhixin didn't know where the anger came from, and suddenly kicked He Shen down: "My wife doesn't need you to look at it. You blind guys, go and see your green tea."

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