You Are My Gravity

Chapter 746: Go back door

Xiang Qiuchi came to the hospital to report that the kid was soon there, and he exploded in the WeChat group inside the hospital.

The doctors and nurses of each department took time out to express their opinions in the group.

But to sum it up, it's nothing more than

#President Gu’s family relative is Niucha, and he doesn’t shy away from walking through the back door. #

#This patron is really, can’t be more powerful, just wait and see, in a short while, he will be promoted soon, and it is possible to be deputy dean next year#

#If I have this backing, I use it too, no need for nothing#

#我看That kid doesn't seem to be someone who has real talents and learns, maybe he's a messenger#

#混日人家 is also promoted faster than our hard work and conscientious work#

#那……Can I say something in a low voice, it's so handsome, really...#

# Suddenly so envious of the nurse in the same department as him... I want to change the department now, can I#

Xiang Qiuchi put on his uniform and a pure white coat. To show that he is very bookish, he also wore flat glasses with a metal frame. He looked gentle, elegant, and fashionable.

Wherever he walked, whether it was a nurse or a female patient, all turned to look at him.

Some bold people even ran up and asked Xiang Qiu Chi for WeChat.

The files were all rejected by Xiang Qiuchi.

He was a young doctor who had just joined the job. As an airborne soldier, he came in through the back door. If he didn't keep a low profile, he wouldn't be scolded to death.

So in the first morning after joining the job, Xiang Qiuchi was extremely repelled in his heart. He stitched a policeman who had scratched his belly with a knife while fighting with the gangster.

The wound was just skin wounds, not internal organs, but the wound was quite long.

Xiang Qiuchi expertly stitched the policeman.

As a former killer, stitching the police, um, really interesting.

The police colleague waited for Xiang Qiuchi to finish sewing, and said with emotion: "Doctor, I didn't expect you to be young, but this technique is not bad at all. I have been to your hospital several times, and I have never seen a suture better than you. The faster doctor."

Xiang Qiuchi smiled, of course he can stitch up the wound faster.

Once, as a killer who licked blood with a knife, it was not commonplace to be injured. In the past many years, Xiang Qiuchi can be said to be self-taught to take bullets and suture wounds. Many times, anesthetics are not used. As long as the wound is located, he can touch it. , I sew it by myself. In order to reduce the pain time, of course the speed of sewing must be speeded up.

Xiang Qiuchi thought about these old things at this time, and suddenly felt that they were almost the same as the things in his previous life.

But let alone, stitching up wounds for others, and stitching wounds for yourself, this feels really different, quite strange.

After the police said, he smiled faintly to Qiuchi, and said, "I'm only a little faster in this regard."

He wears glasses and speaks neither loudly nor lowly. When it comes to pretending to be gentle, connotative, and elegant, Xiang Qiuchi's skill is really quite powerful.

No matter who said it, he seemed to be quite personable and extremely pleasing to the eye.

No one can think of it, he used to be a desperate killer who licked blood with a knife and covered in blood.

Doctor, killer, one saves lives, one kills, these two professions are separated by thousands of miles...

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