You Are My Gravity

Chapter 766: Scold slowly

Lin Zisong shouted: "Aunt, aunt...You can't let him call the police, he is your own son... Would you like to be sent to the police station by your own son... Aunt..."

Lin Yuexian woke up, yes, if the police did come, then all the people involved would be taken away, and she would be no exception.

After Lin Yuexian woke up, he immediately said to Gu Jingyuan: "Jingyuan, you can't do this, I'm your mother, and you are rebellious in doing so... in vain of human relations..."

Gu Jingyuan shook his head and said, "Isn't it true? In fact, you really don't need to say that it sounds so good, think about grandmother...I don't do this kind of unruly thing once or twice."

Lin Yuexian trembled...

Gu Jingyuan meant that this time... didn't he plan to let her go?

Lin Yuexian shook his head, no, no... absolutely no...

No way, no...

He don't go to the police station, don't go!

Lin Yuexian turned her head helplessly and yelled at Gu Huaizhang: "Gu Huaizhang, you said something. I admit that I was wrong to do this today. I didn't stop them. But, are you not wrong? They all said they made you apologize. You just have to apologize to me and promise that you won’t do that to me again in the future, I will forgive you, and I will..."

Gu Huaizhang didn't seem to hear Lin Yuexian's words.

He held the few remaining porcelains and sat there without saying a word.

Lin Yuexian was indifferent despite crying and screaming.

Gu Jingyuan sneered.

The Lin family is really stupid.

Probably it was because of the negative that the negative was positive, so Gu Huaizhang and Lin Yuexian combined the rest of him, finally had a normal mind.

Lin Yuexian panicked and scolded Gu Jingyuan.

All kinds of ugly words were scolded.

Gu Jingyuan always had a smile on his face, and he was not angry at all. Suddenly he said: "Mother, don't worry, curse slowly, you hear...coming..."

Lin Yuexian was taken aback, the other people's voices gradually became quieter, and then...

The police came, the sirens sounded from far to near, and finally stopped outside the house!

Then, the police rushed in before a while.

After the police with the team came in, they took a quick look. The house was crowded and messy. The porcelain in the room was broken.

The policeman led the team and asked: "Who called the police, what's the matter?"

Raising his hand to Qiuchi: "It's me...I called the police!"

He told the police what had happened: "I am Gu Zhige and my cousin of Gu Jingyuan. Today, my cousin and I were about to have a meal at home. Suddenly my cousin received a call for help from my uncle. We were very worried and drove away. Come, think twice, and call the police. After coming, as you see, my uncle is a famous porcelain master and an artist. This is his studio. Everything here cost him. Decades of hard work, but... they were all smashed by them, and they also beat up my uncle... This kind of bad behavior is really spurned!"

"My uncle is a porcelain idiot. If he smashed his work, it would have killed him. Look at him as a good person. What has he been smashed into? And these porcelains are all fine products. The preliminary estimate is that it should be worth at least 2 million. This is still a conservative estimate. The specific loss should be evaluated by professionals..."

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