You Are My Gravity

Chapter 774: Will regret

Lin Yuexian knew very well that she had left Gu Huaizhang at this age, and without the Gu family, she was nothing.

Gu Huaizhang said, "Lin Yuexian, this is my last kindness to you!"

He said to Gu Jingyuan: "Jingyuan, I have made it clear what I should say, you can help me deal with the next thing..."

Gu Jingyuan nodded: "Okay."

"I'm very tired, I'm going to rest."

Gu Huaizhang left with the few porcelain pieces he had left, and turned a deaf ear to Lin Yuexian's screams.

He vomited everything he was about to say, and from now on, he would never bear it anymore.

A person's life may be lonely, but... will be very free and easy...

Somehow, Gu Huaizhang, who was in a bad mood because of the smashing of so many porcelains, felt that he was a lot more relaxed at this moment.

Just when Gu Huaizhang and Lin Yuexian were talking, Gu Jingyuan didn't interrupt at all. He just wanted to see if Gu Huaizhang was short-tempered or really made up his mind?

However, looking now, Gu Huaizhang really made up his mind to divorce.

Now that he made up his mind, Gu Jingyuan would help him.

Gu Huaizhang left, leaving only Gu Jingyuan and his people. Facing them, Lin Yuexian trembled even more. Although there was another nephew here, she knew that she couldn't count on it.

Lin Yuexian almost hated Lin Zijie, and she really hurt this kid for nothing.

Lin Yuexian definitely didn't want to get divorced, because she knew better than anyone else that if the divorce was true, she would really be over.

She is used to living a good life of pampering. Although Gu Huaizhang is in vain, but the Gu family behind him is not in vain, and the life that Gu family provides her is impossible for other women.

But Gu Huaizhang's attitude just now was very firm, as if he had made up his mind to divorce.

Lin Yuexian was very flustered at the moment, she didn't know what to do now.

Gu Huaizhang was so embarrassed that he had mentioned divorce this time, so Gu Jingyuan would have no qualms about cleaning her up.

Lin Yuexian took a deep breath and said to Gu Jingyuan:

"King Yuan, listen to me, your father is just talking angry. I have been married to him for so many years. I know him... I know him. If we really divorce us, he will definitely regret it..."

Gu Jingyuan smiled faintly: "Then make him regret it, and I won't regret it."

He was happy to see that they got divorced, and if Lin Yuexian was taken away, there would be much less awful things in the future.

", are you hating me? I hate me for not preventing your grandma from sending you away, but you don't want to think that your father and I were suppressed by your grandma for a lifetime. How can we resist? We are all innocent people. Now that you have returned to Gu’s family, you are amazing, even if you don’t want to recognize us as your parents..."

Gu Jingyuan raised his hand and stopped Lin Yuexian’s words: "I really don’t have time to listen to this kind of cliché, and you don’t have to think about other tricks, because it’s useless. Since my father has asked for a divorce, then the divorce will be fine, and I will not regret it His business has nothing to do with me."

Lin Yuexian shook her body.

She knew that Gu Jingyuan would not show her any affection.

"King Yuan, you are really, don't you leave me a way to survive?

Gu Jingyuan smiled, stay alive? If she really doesn't leave her a way to survive, she can live so easily?


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