You Are My Gravity

Chapter 779: My local tyrant

Chen Mo sneered: "Naughty, did you say that I was doing it? In your eyes, my friend is currently burning and unconscious. I ask you to take him to the hospital. In your eyes, you are actually doing it? You? Think I'm rare in your show? What debut quota do you think I'm rare in?"


The deputy director hurriedly pulled the director and persuaded Chen Mo, "Alright, Chen Mo, you are still a child. You don’t understand many things. We don’t blame you. You should go look for Qin Zheng to take care of Qin Zheng. After that, it should be effective in half an hour. Please pay more attention to Qin Zheng's body temperature. If it doesn't drop, we will definitely send him to the hospital."

Chen Mo could see that as long as Qin Zheng was not ill and dying, they would not send people to the hospital.

These people have only interests in their minds.

After all of them left, Chen Mo sat beside Qin Zheng, anxious, hoping that Qin Zheng's fever would really go away.

But he also had a long mind. What if Qin Zheng didn't go down the fever after a while, or if the fever went down again?

We still have to find Xu Mu. Xu Mu will come forward. If you don't believe it, the people in the program group dare to stop.

But now there is no cell phone, so I can't find Xu Mu.

Chen Mo went around in the room, wondering how to contact Xu Mu.

Forty minutes later, at 1:00 in the morning, Chen Mo would measure Qin Zheng's body temperature every ten minutes. Indeed, his temperature dropped.

But Chen Mo did not dare to take it lightly.

After more than an hour, Qin Zheng's body temperature dropped to 37 degrees, and he stopped falling.

This made Chen Mo a little worried. He thought about another half an hour to see if Qin Zheng's body temperature had changed.

However, Chen Mo had been tired for a day after all, and now it was very late. He couldn't help but start to doze off, then closed his eyes and fell asleep by the bed.

At about 5 o'clock in the morning, Chen Mo woke up and touched Qin Zheng's forehead. It was hot again. After the temperature was measured, his temperature rose to 38 degrees.

This frightened Chen Mo. What he feared most was Qin Zheng's body temperature repeated.

Chen Mo patted Qin Zheng's face: "Qin Zheng, I'm going to find someone, don't really burn your brain..."

Chen Mo took out the gold chain he had secretly hidden and found an intern editor.

Avoiding the surveillance area, he stuffed a gold chain to the director, and borrowed his mobile phone to make a call.

Chen Mo has money in his family. His father is a super local tyrant. He came to participate in such a show. Before joining the group, his father prepared a lot of gold chains for him, and asked him to take a gold chain when he needed it. It can be done.

Gold is small and easy to hide, so Chen Mo can sneak it in.

At that time, he was still very unhappy. He felt that his dad had done too much to do this, and these were useless at all.

But now, Chen Mo sighed that there was nothing wrong with listening to the old man, his father was still very foresight.

Chen Mo called Xu Mu.

But at this point, Chen Mo is not sure whether Xu Mu will answer the phone. Moreover, this call does not seem to be Xu Mu’s personal phone number. It’s just that the contact information left by several teachers at that time is impossible. It's private.

Chen Mo called several times before someone answered. Moreover, Xu Mu didn't answer the call, but his assistant.

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