You Are My Gravity

Chapter 784: Miss mom

Listening to the accusations of other colleagues, the director shouted: "Shut up, do you think I want to do this? I am also doing this for the show. For the audience rating, the focus of this show is on Qin Zheng, no Qin Zheng, what do we sell?"

The others shut up, but they still blame the director. If he hadn't been too stubborn, they wouldn't have been so passive.

The director bitterly looked at the direction Xu Mu and the others left.

"Go back to the meeting..."

They all know how much viewing points and audiences would be lost without Qin Zheng.

Everyone knows that as long as nothing goes wrong, Qin Zheng will definitely make his debut in C position.

But now with this high fever, the situation may change.

If the C position changes, or Qin Zheng is not in the group at all, then...what will happen online?

And in the audience performing tonight, there are so many Qin Zheng fans who can't see Qin Zheng...what should I say?


After Xu Mu sent Qin Zheng to the hospital, the doctor first gave him a fever-reducing injection, and then immediately took blood for testing.

Finally, it was checked that it was a viral cold, which means that the cold caused by excessive fatigue for a long time, unable to keep up with nutrition, weakened immunity, was originally not serious, but it has been delayed for too long, so it is now more serious.

The doctor told Xu Mu: "If the fever can go away and it does not recur, there is no problem, but if it is not, then further examination may be needed... to see if there are other causes."

When he was sent to the hospital, Qin Zheng had already burned to more than 39 degrees.

And people are even more unconscious.

In a coma, Xu Mu mumbled: "Mom..."

Xu Mu was suddenly very sad when he heard this sound. Suddenly he felt a real fatherhood. He felt sorry for his child and reached out to touch Qin Zheng's head.

After all, he is still a child, not yet an adult, sick, and what he misses the most and desires most is his mother.

After thinking about it, Xu Mu still had to call Zhou Ping.

Although he didn't want to worry Zhou Ping too much, but...hehe...this is also a good opportunity to see Zhou Ping.

I haven't seen him for many days, Xu Mu really missed Zhou Ping.

He glanced at Qin Zheng and said in his heart: I'm sorry, but you want to see your mother too, don't you?

Xu Mu took out his cell phone and dialed Zhou Ping's number.

The call went through without waiting for a long time.

Xu Murou said: "It's me, did I wake you up?"

"No, I just woke up. Calling at this time, what's the matter?"

Zhou Ping yawned and stretched after talking. She usually wakes up a little later than this point. She was woken up by Xu Mu's phone call just now.

But she knew that if Xu Mu had nothing to do, she would definitely not call him at this time.

Zhou Ping had just woke up, her voice was a little hoarse and lazy, Xu Mu was itchy in her heart when she heard it, and wanted to see her now.


Keke, no, I can't think about it now, I'm sick.

After Xu Mu hesitated for a while, he said, "I will tell you something..."

Zhou Ping nodded: "Well, just tell me."

"Xiaozheng is ill and is in the hospital now. If you have time... come and see him?"

Zhou Ping's face was still a little lazy, but when she heard Xu Mu's words, her face suddenly changed, and her voice couldn't help but raise: "I'm sick? What's the matter?"

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