You Are My Gravity

Chapter 797: Dad

Even if this guy dislikes Qin Zheng again, but...the people in his own family, how can they be bullied by others!

When the two returned to the ward, Qin Zheng and Silent both fell asleep.

Zhou Ping and Qin Se guarded by the bed.

Zhou Ping looked at her son worriedly.

Xu Mu walked up to him and sat down, and said, "Sorry, I have been busy in the field these days. I only came back last night. I didn't take care of Xiao Zheng..."

Zhou Ping sighed, that's no wonder.

Before Xu Mu was always there, Qin Zheng was able to rub his good fortune, but now Xu Mu is not by his side, so Qin Zheng's fortune path began to change somewhat.

After Qin Zheng fell asleep, Zhou Xing carefully looked at his face and then at his palm prints.

Qin Zheng's way back is really not so easy.

What disturbs Zhou Ping the most is why Qin Zheng's face looks a bit decay, shouldn't it?

Zhou Ping seemed to have a lump in her heart.

Because she didn't know when Qin Zheng's bad luck would come, or... it had already begun!

Seeing Zhou Ping's look very bad, Qin Se couldn't help asking, "Mom, what's the matter with you? Don't worry, Xiaozheng is not in serious condition and will get well soon."

Zhou Ping shook her head: "It's okay... Maybe it's a bit early."


At ten o'clock at noon, the directors and producers of the program group and the leaders of the producers behind them all came.

They still hope that Qin Zheng can participate in the final performance.

Without Qin Zheng, this program would lose a lot of attention.

Moreover, if the other party wants to make trouble, even if they cancel the contract, Qin Zheng’s fans and some passers-by will not stand in the show group, because it is they who caress about the players first, and they stop the seriously ill Qin Zheng Not allowed to be sent to the hospital.

So after the meeting, they still felt that they came to apologize first.

Lower your status as much as possible, get forgiveness from the other party, and then ask Qin Zheng and Chen Mo to go back to participate in the final performance.

Only in this way can the loss be recovered.

When they came, Qin Zheng was still sleeping, not awake yet.

Although they wanted to wake Qin Zheng, but Xu Mu was here, how could they get their wish.

Xu Mu said coldly: "If you have anything to say, tell me."

In the corridor, the producer said: "Mr. Xu, I'm really sorry. Yesterday the program team did a bad job. On behalf of the entire program team, I would like to extend my sincere apologies to you, Qin Zheng and his family."

Xu Mu said directly: "Qin Zheng retires from this show, we can't compare."

Although he and Gu Jingyuan have already agreed that if Qin Zheng's physical condition permits, he can agree to participate in the final performance. However, after the performance, Qin Zheng and other people will not be allowed to form a group, and he and Chen Mo will be allowed to form a group, but the company belongs to , Can operate jointly with the producer.

However, this does not mean that he did not help Qin Zheng.

After all, it's his own child. If his father doesn't help him, who will he help?

When the producer heard this, he hurriedly said: "No, Mr. Xu, I know you are very angry, but you can’t be angry. You watched Qin Zheng walk along the way to this show. He didn’t have anything from the beginning. Yes, now that he is very good at dancing and singing. Everyone can see how much effort he put in. I think if Qin Zheng chooses himself, he will definitely want to participate in the finals. I can see that Qin Zheng I like that stage very much."

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