You Are My Gravity

Chapter 818: So domineering

Gu Jingyuan hugged her tightly, pressed the corners of his lips against her forehead with a smile, and told him: "The other party's methods are so insidious, I think Qin Zheng will definitely not be able to participate in tonight's performance, but...Qin Zheng appeared, this itself It means that Qin Zheng has seen through his methods and has successfully taken out the needle. Whether Qin Zheng says it or not, the person who undermined him already knows that his plan has been destroyed, but at this time, Qin Zheng suddenly came on stage like this, but it would startle the person and make him afraid to make a move. He is not screaming at the grass, it should be...

"Of course, if the other party wants to take risks, they may also speed up their actions."

Qin Se was curious: "Then you mean Qin Zheng is still a little brainy?"

Gu Jingyuan shook his head: "No, I didn't say that about fire. When the kid said those things just now, he probably didn't think about anything at all, just wanted to... simply kill his popularity, or just be handsome. !"

Qin Se nodded, according to what she knew about her brother, what Gu Jingyuan said was very possible.

That stinky kid Qin Zheng couldn't think of it so far-reaching.

He was hit by mistake.

After a while, a girl next to Qin Se approached and asked, "Everyone is here to cheer Qin Zheng Didi, you... how do you talk to your boyfriend..."

Qin Se blushed: "Can't you kiss my boyfriend when you come here? Oh, this is not my boyfriend, this is my husband..."

She touched her nose and said, "I brought him here. I just wanted to tell Qin Zheng Didi, you see, your sister has already taken off her order, and there is a husband... He didn't ask us that time at level 4 or 6 Are you done? Did you finish your homework? Did you take off the order? I took it off, so I'll show it to him... I'm afraid that others won't know that we are a couple, so I just hit a kiss..."

Qin Se thought to herself, don't let others know that she and Qin Zheng are siblings, it's shameful.

The little girl nodded as soon as she heard it: "Sister is amazing, admire, I will do the same when I leave the order, but Qin Zheng Didi is really domineering today, so handsome..."

Qin Se nodded, "Yes, yeah, so handsome..."

On the stage, the host is asking them some questions.

The appearance of Hechuan made the host on the stage crazy, and Ren Xiao in the mentor was a big fan of Hechuan.

The moment I saw Hechuan, I stopped sitting on the instructor's seat, so I wanted to rush up and take a photo with my idol.

Because Qin Zheng's words just now were a bit too shocking, and the host couldn't assume that he hadn't heard it.

And the director told him in the headset that he could ask Qin Zheng why he said the words just now.

Qin Zheng smiled: "Whatever the reason... it doesn't matter anymore. Qin Zheng who is standing on this stage earns the first place. I also want to follow the person who thinks that if I go down, he will be able to take the position. Just to say...Don't be foolish."

After he finished speaking, the host was embarrassed.

However, on the stage, Hechuan and Chen Mo applauded Qin Zheng with a true scripture.

With their applause, the fans in the audience understood it, and immediately applauded from the audience.

Amid the applause, a female voice shouted again: "Qin Zheng Didi, I love you, you are so handsome, so domineering..."

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