You Are My Gravity

Chapter 820: Kawaii

The host felt a little embarrassed and prompted: "No? Everyone knows that this is the last stage in this show, so you have no regrets, nostalgia?"

Chen Mo shook his head: "No, I can fight side by side with my good friends. I am already very happy. I enjoy this stage. I will not let him be a burden to me. I have no nostalgia and no regrets, but I do. I hope it will end soon. Seriously, this game is too long."

In fact, what Chen Mo thought in his heart was: Anyway, I don't plan to make a group debut. I have no regrets about this stage.

Host... (How do you ask me to interview?)

Chen Mo fans... (How do you ask us to support?)

Chen Mo's fans are very embarrassed at the scene, his idol is so upright, okay?

Can you say something against your heart? Can you feel sorry for your fans?

They were all ready and shouted slogans for Chen Mo, but the glow sticks and light signs were raised, and their idols did not stand up.

Qin Se couldn't help but smile: "So cute..."

The girl next to him also nodded: "Yes, it's so cute, no wonder we can play well with our family Qin Zheng Didi, the two of them are similar in smell..."

Qin Se...

Eh, is it okay to use it like this?

After being embarrassed for a minute, the host managed to endure the discomfort and asked: "Then what do you think is your biggest gain from participating in this show?"

Chen Mo said without hesitation: "The biggest gain is that I met Qin Zheng. Thank you for bringing me such a good brother..."

The host waited for what Chen Mo would follow, but he didn't say anything.

The host smiled reluctantly, that's all, what's next?

Qin Zheng really couldn't stand it anymore, reminding: "There are... your fans..."

Chen Mo hurriedly said: "Oh, oh, forget, and our fans of Chenjiagou...Thank you..."

Chen Mo's fan, his idol, knelt to chase.

Pay for the sins you made yourself.

So shout.

Chen Mo's fans raised the light sign with tears in their eyes.

"Thank our little prince for still remembering us... 嘤嘤..."

A fan of Chen Mo couldn't help but yelled, "Could you not talk about Chenjiagou? Can we refuse such a name?"

Chen Mo's fans actually have their own very angry and aggrieved name Chen Guozimin, and Chen Mo is their little prince.

But Chen Mo refused to use it, insisting on Chen Jiagou.

Every time, Chen Mo's fans are also very speechless.

Our idol has a peculiar style and unique aesthetics.

After finally asking Chen Mo, the host felt like a survivor.

He thought to himself that he could finally communicate with Hechuan. This is a singer who has debuted for many years, and he will certainly not be as embarrassing as these children.

But, in fact, he had too much hope for Hechuan.

The host asked: “It’s really amazing that Mr. He Chuan was a guest to help sing this time. I believe that many people present have heard your song and they are all your fans, including myself, but we all know that , You have never participated in variety shows, so why did you come to participate in idol training this time?"

He Chuan glanced at Xu Mu on the mentor seat, and said: "I don't want to come, Xu Mu threatened me, there is no way, who will let me have a handle in his hands."

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