You Are My Gravity

Chapter 829: Very dazzling

Two invincible teenagers, perhaps in the future, they will use this name to open up their own world.

But later, fans of the two families directly called them IT men.

After the host explained it, Qin Zheng felt okay. He...reluctantly accepted the name.

Invincible... Well, no man doesn't like these two words.

Qin Se stood under the stage and watched his younger brother stand in such a high position. The boy’s face had retreated from the ignorance he once had. His face was still tender and green, but with a lot more tenacity, and the light in his eyes was brighter. When he was on the stage, he was really...very dazzling, like a young eagle that was almost full of feathers, ready to be so high.

There may be storms in the future, but the teenager is fearless.

When Qin Se saw Qin Zheng's performance today, he really saw the other side of Qin Zheng.

Seeing his stage performance with my own eyes is different from what I saw through the video, and it is even more shocking.

Qin Se said: "I never thought that one day Qin Zheng would be so dazzling. Both my mother and I hope that he can grow up healthy, and he doesn't need to be too prosperous. It is enough to support himself. But now , Mom and I both underestimated our children..."

Looking at Qin Zheng, Qin Se suddenly felt very proud.

This is, my brother!

Gu Jingyuan held Qin Se's shoulders.

"It's not to underestimate it, I want him to be good, so I can't bear it, but... Qin Zheng has done better than we thought, and walked far. Maybe, he should be a shining person."

Qin Se curled his lips.

The theme song of their idol development was played on the stage, and the fans in the audience shouted the name of their idols.

Qin Se suddenly shouted: "Qin Zheng, sister loves you..."

The fans around him shouted like this, and no one thought it was strange for Qin Se to shout like this.

Qin Zheng suddenly stretched his neck sideways to look at the crowd below the stage.

Chen Mo asked him: "What's wrong?"

Qin Zheng scratched his head: "How do I feel as if I heard my sister's voice just now? She seemed to be calling me"

Chen Mo also hurriedly stretched his neck to look: "Sister's voice? Impossible, will she come to the scene?"

"Should not? But... I really feel like I heard..."

"That should be your fault, my sister should call me when she comes."

Qin Zheng raised his foot and kicked Chen Mo: "The affection that your younger sister and sister called, that is my sister, my sister, don't you understand..."

Chen Mo snorted: "But, my sister said, when the show is over, you will take me to your house for a few days."

Qin Zheng: "You don't have time."

"Why don't I have time? I have time, okay? Besides, my sister wants to see me."

Qin Zheng glared at him: "If I said no, there would be no."

When everyone else was sentimental, the two of them started talking in their seats.

And, unfortunately, their quarreling conversation has not been received.

The show is about to end.

Qin Zheng and Chen Mo came down from the high platform.

The group of six came over to hug them.

There were tears on each of the six people's faces and their eyes were very red. On the other hand, Qin Zheng and Chen Mo were as happy as fools, with smiles on their faces all the time, without any sadness at all.

When I stood up with the six people for the curtain call, the feeling became even clearer.

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