You Are My Gravity

Chapter 847: Vinegar

Without understanding, Qin Zheng didn't even tell him.

Chen Mo felt a little flustered, what if these people were holding on to? Isn't he shameful?

Qin Zheng cleared his throat and said, "Okay, go on... Go on, there are still so many problems here, I want to know who is next?"

So under Qin Zheng's proposal, everyone continued to play.

The next few questions are not very challenging or interesting, and everyone's trouble is over.

After a few rounds, he finally arrived at Qin Zheng.

The mouth of the bottle stopped and aimed at Qin Zheng, and everyone cheered.

"Ha, it's finally Qin Zheng's turn. Come on, do you want to choose a big adventure or to be honest..."

Qin Zheng looked at his feet and said, "I actually want to take a big adventure, but it's a pity...I can't do this..."

Everyone yelled: "What big adventure to choose, tell the truth, hurry up, hurry up...take one..."

Qin Zheng had to stretch out his hand and pulled out a note from the box.

Someone shouted: "Qin Zheng, hurry up, read it out..."

"I'm looking forward to it, I don't know if Qin Zheng will be lucky and get a really hot question..."

Qin Zheng's face wrinkled looking at the problem, and Chen Mo leaned over to take a look, his expression was also very strange.

Because the question is written like this-choose one from everyone present, and then give him a kiss!

The corners of Qin Zheng's mouth twitched.

Chen Mo chuckled, "You are really the devil."

Qin Zheng raised his head and shouted angrily: "Who wrote this, who, stand up, I promise not to kill you, what the **** is this? Is this the problem? This is a big adventure, it's almost..."

A boy took a look and laughed: "Puff, who wrote this, it's really bad..."

"But we didn't say everything before, whoever gets it must answer."

"Yes, Qin Zheng, everyone has agreed, you can't refuse this time..."

Everyone was joining in the fun and wanted to see who Qin Zheng would kiss.

But Qin Zheng resolutely said: "I refuse, not to mention that Lao Tzu is a straight man. Lao Tzu's kiss is for my future girlfriend. Why should I give you this stinky man? I firmly disagree."

"If that's the case, you will be punished..."

Qin Zheng nodded: "Punishment means punishment. Anyway, I reject this question."

So everyone shouted: "Drink and drink..."

Chen Mo helped Qin Zheng say: "No, Qin Zheng still has injuries on his feet. Drinking is not good..."

Qin Zheng waved his hand: "It's okay, just a little beer, don't worry about this..."

"I don't think drinking is so good, so...not as good as you..." Chen Mo smiled, grabbed a disposable cup, poured half a glass of juice, and then poured several packets of vinegar.

He asked others: "Do you think this works?"

None of the others objected, they all shouted: "Yes, yes, yes...I agree..."

When they saw Chen Mo put the vinegar in, they felt that the sour teeth in their mouth were soft.

This punishment is more interesting than drinking.

Qin Zheng glared at Chen Mo, how innocent this kid was in his heart, it was obviously a lot of bad water when he was doing things.

Chen Mo pushed the juice mixed with half a cup of vinegar to Qin Zheng.

Clapping hands with others and shouting: "Drink, drink..."

Qin Zheng gritted his teeth, held up the cup, pinched his nose and poured it down.

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