You Are My Gravity

Chapter 864: Engage in objects

But who thought, Chen Mo actually said, "What do you do when you go home? I don't want my dad. He just needs to be busy making money. I told him. I'm in a group with you. Let him be ready anytime. It’s good to spend money to send the two of us to a boom in the entertainment industry...whatever role you want, you can bring money into the group, and if you see who is not pleasing to the eye, you can spend money to grab his role... How wonderful..."

Qin Zheng...

Hey, you have a mine, you are amazing.

Qin Zheng sighed, yes, it is indeed great to have a mine.

Chen Mo picked up the backpack and pushed the suitcase to the parked car in front: "Let's go, don't rush, hurry up, I'm hungry, I want to go home quickly and eat the meal made by my aunt."

Qin Zheng touched the big gold chain on his neck...

For money, I will bear it!

"Qin Zheng..."

A cry came from behind.

Qin Zheng stopped, turned around and saw Chen Xuyan pushing two suitcases out.

Qin Zheng wondered: "Are you not going to participate in the selection anymore?"

"It's already like this, it doesn't make sense for me to participate..."

Chen Xuyan's appearance was haggard and embarrassed, his eyes were red, it was obvious that he had just cried.

"What do you call me?"

After hesitating, Chen Xuyan said, "Could you please help me."

Qin Zheng glanced over Chen Xuyan who had already cried again in a blink of an eye, and shook his head: "No."

He knew what Chen Xuyan asked him to do, and he couldn't let the cycle meet.

Chen Xuyan cried and said: "Please, can you... let him go... He knows he was wrong, he really knows, I know my request is a bit too much, but... can you give him a chance? "

Qin Zheng still shook his head very resolutely: "No, my mother told me that she is kind and soft, and sometimes becomes a knife for the other party. I am still young and haven't lived enough. I will not hurt others. Second chance."

"However, he has difficulties... he..."

Qin Zheng interrupted very unceremoniously, and mocked: "Heh... don't worry about it. You go to the street, you go to the construction site, you go to the subway station and the train station, you look at those People who are still working under the high temperature, what are their difficulties? Many people in this world are trying to live. There are tens of thousands of people who are suffering. There are so many people who are dying of terminal illnesses every day, but they have How many will be like the cycle of encounters, for their so-called hardship, they will kill others?"

"What's more, I don't have any trouble with him. Why should I be a **** to make way for him? Why?"

Chen Xuyan explained: "It's not like that, listen to me..."

Qin Zheng raised his hand to stop him, "Don't tell me, I know... all his difficulties are just because everything he does is for you, right?"

Chen Xuyan was surprised: "You..."

Qin Zheng shook his head: "Hey...he wants to get rid of you, not for him, just to give you a chance to go in and give you a chance to make a debut, right?"

Chen Xuyan's face was pale: " know..."

Qin Zheng raised his hand to cover the dazzling morning light: "It's not difficult to guess, because he started the crime against me, and the motive for committing the crime was not sufficient, unless he was for others."

Chen Mo suddenly realized: "Oh... I see, it turns out that you two... are you not? Everyone trains like dogs on weekdays, so you two still have the intention to engage in objects?"


good night……

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