You Are My Gravity

Chapter 871: Don't be squeamish

Zhou Ping said: "Oh, we are outside, not at home, my mobile phone does not have that much traffic to video with you..."

Qin Zheng was angry, "Mom, are now a man with a rich son-in-law, can you not be so stingy about the traffic money, how much money can be spent on video with me, you don't want to see you Son?"

"But... didn't you see it yesterday? Nothing to think about, right?"

Qin Zheng: "..."

He felt that he might be the first son to be **** off by his own mother.

Chen Mo leaned his head next to the phone and heard Zhou Ping's words. He reached out and patted Qin Zheng's shoulder sympathetically, but there was a smile on his face.

Qin Zheng was depressed, very sad, and upset: "Mom, my game is over and I am first."

Zhou Ping told him on the phone, "Oh, your sister told me, I know, I also signed your contract for you, you will work hard in the future, try to cheat some little girls while you are young..."

Qin Zheng: "..."

As a mother, shouldn't you say, wow, son, you are great, mother is proud of you, you are the pride of mother.

Why does his mother want to say this? How many more girls do you cheat?

What is this mind?

"Mom, what do you mean, why let me lie to a few little girls?"

Zhou Ping said: "Look at you, that is, now that you are young and pretty, so some little girls like you, but after they see your essence, they will definitely lose their fans. You are still young and beautiful, so you can lie to some little girls so that you will never worry about major events in the future."

With a bang, Qin Zheng hit his head on the coffee table, unwilling to get up again.

And Chen Mo was already holding his stomach and smiling, he couldn't help but he was really going to serve Qin Zheng's mother. It was so fun.

"Xiaozheng, Xiaozheng... Did you listen to what I said?"

Qin Zheng said startledly: "I don't want to listen."

He didn't want him to listen to what his mother said now, it was too shocking.

Zhou Ping told Qin Zheng: "Mom is also doing well for you. Xu Mu told me that taking advantage of your current popularity, the company seizes the opportunity to build you with all its strength. As for you, you have to cooperate well, know not, what endorsement? Magazines, interviews, variety shows, as long as you can pick them up, don’t be afraid of tiredness. When young people should suffer and suffer now, you can make more money now, won’t you have a wife in the future?"

Qin Zheng covered his eyes, crying without tears.

Chen Mo was already rolling on the sofa with a smile.

Qin Zheng: "Mom, you are my real mother anyway, and I still have injuries on my foot. You let me work hard like this, are squeezing my labor..."

Zhou Ping sighed: "Come on, there is a small hole in your foot. Your brother-in-law has said it, and it will be fine in a few days. Don't be so squeamish as a boy. Besides, if you don't work hard, how do you marry back? Daughter-in-law, Xu Mu has said that now you shoot a few more commercials, even if you look back, you won’t be popular, at least you don’t have to worry about buying a house when you come back. You can make a lot of money to be a celebrity. You can make more money while you still have some reputation. A sum is a sum, you know?"

Qin Zheng: "..."

He really didn't want to speak, he didn't want to say a word.

He hated Gu Jingyuan and Xu Mu, these two old men should be shameless.

His feet hurt so much that he wanted to cry, but Gu Jingyuan even said that it was all right.

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