You Are My Gravity

Chapter 880: Backstage hard

"Do you plan to favor these two?"

Li Junzhe: "Isn't the signal we released yet obvious? Our company will focus on them in the future. Fortunately, you contacted us early, otherwise, we will be lined up at a later time, and we need too many endorsements for Qin Zheng Yes, there are many variety show invitations. This kid is a walking powder sucker."

Responsibly look at the work of so many girls around you who didn't do the work. They all looked at them and nodded: "I found..."

"Besides, these two... the backstage is hard,"

"What background?"

"I'll learn about it later."

After the director finished speaking with the two of them, they both tried to act twice.

They both endorsed a yogurt advertisement this time.

For young boys their age, the endorsement is right, and they will get started faster, better.

After the filming officially started, the two of them were a little nervous except for the first two times, and they made a mistake or two when they said their lines, and then they got better.

And the advertisement is very simple, just drink yogurt, and then show a very exaggerated and delicious appearance, and finally say a line, the background behind, or something, the advertising company will cut out the picture for the later stage.

After the two of them drank 4 bottles of yogurt, they read the lines to the camera about a dozen times...

They are all ready to come, drink a few more bottles, the big deal will be dark.

Both of them were ready to unscrew the next bottle. As a result, the director said, it was over.

The two were stunned, and their heads stretched out towards the yogurt stopped in the air, finished? Does this mean the filming is over?

Qin Zheng asked: "Has the director finished the filming?"

The director nodded: "Yes, it's done..."

Chen Mo: "Is it ready to be filmed?"

The director laughed: "Otherwise? Did you two think you're going to shoot an entire afternoon?"

Qin Zheng scratched his head: "This is... too simple, right?"

The photographer laughed and said: "It's not simple, but you two worked hard and earnestly... the shot was very good..."

During the whole process, the two were nervous from the very beginning, and then slowly relaxed and progressed very quickly. In fact, he thought it was pretty good a few times later, but the director still asked him to shoot several times.

But for such a boring filming, neither of them said a bad word, and didn't even mention a break in the middle.

They are really two very real children.

They were a little embarrassed to be praised.

In fact, both of them are thinking in their hearts, I haven't had enough, I'm going to drink a few more bottles, is this a good shot?

The next two changed their clothes and took a few promotional photos.

It’s easier to take photos, just hold the yogurt, sit or stand, and pose for drinking. Anyway, it’s easy.

After the filming was over, the two stood up and bowed to the staff to thank them.

"Thank you, everyone for your hard work."

The onlookers applauded the two.

The director came over and said to them: "You two performed very well this time, and there will definitely be opportunities to cooperate again in the future..."

"Thank you director."

The person in charge of the business came over to talk to the two.

Before leaving, Qin Zheng and Chen Mo rubbed together for a while.

Qin Zheng touched his nose, "That..."

The person in charge of the business asked: "Is there anything else?"

Qin Zheng pointed to the yogurt above the table: "That yogurt is delicious, can I take two bottles?"

Chen Mo nodded repeatedly: "It's really delicious, especially the one with blueberries, it's delicious..."

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