You Are My Gravity

Chapter 882: Conscience

The broker brought them back to the company. Starting from entering the company's door, they met many company employees along the way, and some young people were troubled. Both men and women were pleasantly surprised to see them.

They didn't know each other along the way, but when others greeted them, they responded "Hello".

Anyway, the performance is good.

Newcomers should look like newcomers.

After the two passed by, the group inside the company exploded,

"Unexpectedly, Qin Zheng and Chen Mo actually both came to our company. Is this... Will they be managed by our company in the future?"

"It must be. You didn't see Brother Li following. The company asked Brother Li to take it personally. You can imagine how important it is, right?"

"Seriously, these two children are more handsome than those on TV. They are very agile."

"But why? It's because they didn't have the last entry and exit list, or something. Is this going to operate them separately?"

"I heard that Qin Zheng's backstage is our senior..."

"Isn't it?"

"I also heard that this kid was signed in at the beginning, and he was directly sent to the "Idol" program group. Our company has never signed a trainee. This is the first one specially opened for him. Listen Said... Mr. Xu escorted the past..."

"It doesn't matter whether it is backstage or not, seeing such a cute little brother, it makes me happy both physically and mentally!"

The company is very lively now, because most of the contracts signed by Xintian Entertainment are actors, and they are all well-known actors in the circle. There are almost no idols. Whether they are young or older actors, they are all actors. At least there is not much criticism.

Like Qin Zheng and Chen Mo, everyone thought it must be the idol route. This is the first time the company has signed.

So the talents inside the company will find it strange.

The two went all the way to their rest room, and met one or two other actors on the way, and they greeted them politely.

The two of them had dinner directly at the company. In order to control their bodies, Li Junzhe asked them to eat a vegetable salad in the evening. After they finished eating, they began to have acting classes for them.

The two of them are about to collapse, and they eat vegetable salad at night to make people live?

Both of them disagreed, and they turned to Li Junzhe to protest.

Qin Zheng angrily said: "Protest, I want to protest, why don't you feed us?"

Li Junzhe told them: "This is to control your body shape. You are idols and you are actors. You can't eat fat."

Qin Zheng rolled up his sleeves and let him look at his arms: "Can't eat fat? Are we fat now? We both are very thin now, okay? You look at my skinny skin and bones, and you still have the heart to let me lose weight. Don’t give me food? Brother Li, won’t your conscience hurt?"

Li Junzhe...

Chen Mo also nodded: "Yes, Brother Li, neither of us is fat yet. Why don't we let us eat? I'm still young and underage. It's not good for you. You are abusing underage."

Qin Zheng: "When we were still growing up...what should we do if we don't grow up if we don't eat?"

Lin Junzhe...

He looked at the heights of the two. Although one was 17 years old and the other was 16, they are not short now, right?

Just control the diet at night, and don’t control it during the day, so don’t talk about him like that.

He was like a vicious stepmother who didn't feed the child.

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