You Are My Gravity

Chapter 892: Jun Weisheng

"Yes, no, you can see if you wait or buy something else. Our siu mai is also good."

Zhou Mang doesn't like it, he likes this soup dumpling.

He used to come for breakfast every morning and pour the soup with soy milk every day.

Today, I can't eat my legs anymore, and Zhou Meng feels very unhappy.

At this moment, suddenly there was a cage of steamed buns in front of Zhou Mang, "Actually, I have eaten it, or you... you take it away?"

Zhou Mang raised his head, facing Bai Lu's face,

Then he turned pale with fright at the time, staggered and took a step back, then knocked the bun in Bai Lu's hand to the ground, then turned and ran, not even taking the soy milk he bought.

Zhou Mang ran so fast. This was probably the highest speed he had ever ran for an otaku who had never exercised.

It disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Seeing Zhou Mang's back, Bai Lu's face turned pale and white.

She is still...or...

In Zhou Mang's eyes, she was probably a monster, a monster, a...a woman who was disgusting when she saw it.

After all, she did that to him back then, and her past... is filthy and unbearable to look back.

Although I knew this was the case in my heart, but when the facts really happened, Bai Lu's heart was as uncomfortable as it was scratched by a knife, and the pain was severe.

That night, Zhou Ping asked her if she regretted it?

She said she didn't know.

Now, Bailu probably started to understand what it was like to regret.

Xiang Qiuchi walked over: "Aren't you, don't you find yourself happy? Why bother?"

In Xiang Qiuchi's view, what Bai Lu did was a stupid thing.

He really wondered, sometimes what is in women's minds, or, after Bailu's age, intelligence automatically declines.

She still had the courage to run and pass the bun to Zhou Mang?

These four words are really appropriate. Although it is a bit too much to say so, but this is the fact.

It seems that Bai Lu's appearance at the moment is really pitiful, but Xiang Qiuchi really does not sympathize with her.

Speaking of which, Xiang Qiuchi and Bai Lu are similar people.

All went astray, and now they have all gone astray.

However, the original path was chosen by them, and no matter what it became, it was also their own feet.

Therefore, there is no pity, let alone sympathy.

There are many people who are poorer than them, and they are really not pitiful.

In the final analysis, it was Bailu who longed for herself and shouldn't want it, that's why she felt painful.

Bai Lu looked lonely: "I know, it's..."

Just that there is always such a trace of unrealistic fantasy in my heart, always thinking, maybe...maybe...

Forget it, maybe, she feels sick even thinking about it.

After all, Zhou Mang was only in her early 20s, and she was more than enough to be a **** mother.

Xiang Qiuchi shook his head: "Auntie, have time to dance the square dance."

Why waste time on things that are completely impossible.

People can have dreams, but if those dreams are absurd and absolutely impossible to achieve, then don't waste your efforts.

Waved to Qiuchi, he went out of the breakfast shop, the sun rose, and he was going to work on a new day.

Bai Lu looked at the bun on the ground, her eyes moistened unconsciously.

I'm born and unborn, but I'm old!

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