You Are My Gravity

Chapter 896: Kiss me

"Huh?" Zhen Baoer was surprised, a little unable to keep up with Gu Zhixin's ideas.

Gu Zhixin's lips curled up: "Why don't you let me get out of bed after my injury? don't want to wait, it's okay not to wait for my injury. For you, I can bear it, no Does it hurt a bit? It doesn't matter."

The expression on Zhen Baoer's face instantly went blank.

Nima, I thought this guy would be better, but I didn't expect...

Sure enough, she still thought Gu Zhixin was too kind.

Zhen Baoer pushed him hard to get up.

Gu Zhixin hugged tighter, "Baby... don't get angry, what kind of posture do you want, can't I cooperate fully?"

Zhen Bao'er gritted his teeth angrily and shouted, "Shut up."

The corners of Gu Zhixin's lips rose, "Let me shut up, do it yourself..."

Zhen Baoer...

Gu Zhixin raised his head: "Come on, use your lips to plug my mouth, I promise, I won't say a word."

Zhen Baoer's hand feels so itchy, like a slap in the past. What's the matter?

This guy, who really doesn't learn to live at all, can't just keep quiet, and then quietly seduce her with beauty. Why is it so cheap?

Must make her angry.

Why can't he make good use of his beauty?

Does he not know how good-looking he is?

Zhen Baoer is thinking about reminding him?


I remembered an untimely cough at the door.

Zhen Bao'er looked up and saw Song Yizhi standing at the door with a look: Lao Tzu was smoked to death by you.

Song Yizhi said: "You two... exercise restraint. The door is open. Someone has been passing by. Anyway, you leave a way for the single dog to survive."

Gu Zhixin said very rudely: "It seems that even if we leave you a way, you can get away from being single. Don't blame us for your singleness."

Song Yizhi's black face...

He said: "Damn, I shouldn't have come over, I shouldn't have come to see you off, okay, don't be friends anymore. I don't have a friend like you, so I will break up."

Gu Zhixin shrugged: "You are casual, you are happy, as if we were friends before."

Song Yizhi...

He gasped for two rough breaths: "You... are too much, Gu Zhixin, you are really too much..."

He asked Zhen Baoer: "Boer, Boer, look at this person's face, how can you stand it?"

Song Yizhi wanted to find an alliance for himself.

Zhen Bao'er was getting angry. She struggled for a while, remembering that Gu Zhixin's arm was so strong that she couldn't move at all.

She gritted her teeth and said: "Yes, it seems that I really don't want to...ah..."

Zhen Baoer didn't finish her words, she screamed in pain. She blushed and lowered her head and glared at Gu Zhixin. This **** just... even pinched her ass.

Gu Zhixin didn't seem to receive Zhen Baoer's signal at all, and looked at Song Yizhi coldly.

His eyes were sharp, with murderous expression in his eyebrows, and said: "Song Yizhi, did you call Bo'er?"

Dare to call Boer.

Bo'er, did he call this? As a man, calling someone else’s wife like this makes you feel that he’s a single dog and he’s dead, right?

Song Yizhi trembled: "I...I...I and...%¥#...We are good friends here, right..."

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